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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Also, it helps not to be a fat slob. And in this one rare case, it's probably better to be poor than rich as there's less to gain from the woman's perspective.
  2. Chip Kelly doesn't have any lips.
  3. Let's go Boston College.
  4. He is rather ogre like. I heard a comment from Ryan Gosling along the lines of how shocked and disappointed he was in Weinstein and how this behavior isn't acceptable. Does anyone else think if Weinstein wasn't as ogre like, and looked more like Gosling or McConaughey there would be less women coming out of the woodwork.
  5. Yes....this isn't no tree falling in the forrest type of deal.
  6. Pu$$y and money the root of all evil.
  7. This is a man who knows the adult business more that most I would presume. Never heard of James Deen , did hear of the Christy Mack deal. I'm not completely innocent.
  8. In other news. Porn industry continues without so much as a hiccup. At least you know what you're getting up front there. Pretentious snakes in Hollywood just weren't being candid in their actions.
  9. That would be fantastic. The hypocrisy is what makes this so spectacular.
  10. That sucks....Bradham was playing like a man possessed.
  11. That was a very nice throw and catch.
  12. I suppose ol Harvey was just in the wrong film genre.
  13. I wasn't paying much attention to this story, but it keeps snowballing. Now he's doing the obligatory sex rehab as women are coming out of the woodwork with accusations. Meanwhile sex sells forms reason, I'm sure a lot of these women aren't exactly coming off as nuns.
  14. I'm at a crossroads now. When women wear 20 lbs. of makeup and have their breasts and buttcheeks 80% visible are we just supposed to ignore them. If we as men acknowledge they're looking slutty, is that wrong? Does sex sell? Do women use their sexuality to get things? Are men truly creeps at heart? So may questions. So few answers?
  15. Both at once and you have yourself a hell of a Friday night.
  16. Sounds like Harvey Weinstein tried to hump just about everything. Makes Bill Cosby look like a piker.
  17. Boy....this is turning into a real $hit show. Right.
  18. No....you're thinking of 69.
  19. Nope. I think they are playing way over their head when they were a healthy team. Now there are some injuries and we're going to struggle. The team is doing better than I thought, but I don't think they're a playoff team at this point.
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