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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Sounds like brother Weinstein may have been a little frisky too, or maybe a case of piling on....not sure what to think of the quoted passage below. Where's the line between simply trying to get a date vs. sexual harassment? Asking someone to dinner doesn't seem all that far out of line http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/bob-weinstein-sexual-harassment-1202592165/ "A female showrunner who worked on the Weinstein Co. drama The Mist has accused Bob Weinstein of sexual harassment during the production of the Spike TV series. Amanda Segel, an executive producer of Mist, said Weinstein repeatedly made romantic overtures to her and asked her to join him for private dinners. The harassment began in the summer of 2016 and continued on and off for about three months...."
  2. With his legs.....its gonna be awesome.
  3. I'm concerned about every game.why should this one be any different.
  4. Which is why this should be a simple bit of dialogue. If Taylor were more talented, this conversation wouldn't be happening.
  5. Well then go get a Cutler jersey and a pack of Camels and move on from this team.
  6. Yeah. I don't think anyone has anything in the playbook to combat that nonsense. What the hell is the point of instant replay when the final call is worse than the initial one.
  7. Better off watching WWE for scripted entertainment
  8. Complete Horse #hit.....what the hell are you supposed to do when the NFL arbitrarily decides to change the rules of the game. What a joke.
  9. Jets got straight hosed.
  10. Nothing makes sense...how the hell does someone come to that conclusion.
  11. You love Cutler this much huh?
  12. Per source: Toxic Shock Syndrome
  13. Hahahaha......TD Jets....BOOM.
  14. Sounds like he's concussed.
  15. Copy that......forgot about them.
  16. Most guys would probably be better served staying in school, but that money talks.
  17. They set a high bar, but Arizona State fields a decent squad as well.
  18. This is the first time I actually watched him play other than the bowl game against Penn State last year. I'd have to admit he does throw a damn nice ball. He has the look of an NFL QB.
  19. What a Weinsteiner.
  20. Just got home. Darnold stock dropping?
  21. Better Keith Richards than Ralphie May I suppose.
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