I've been taking the week between Christmas and New Years off for the previous decade or so. It's a nice time to unwind after another year of being a working stiff. It's nice to watch the kids play with the new toys and then get board with them in about 3 days. I also usually get a video game or two which I play the hell out of for a few days since I can stay up and don't have to work the following morning.
Personally though I enjoy the 4 days off for Thanksgiving. Nothing but sitting around in a gluttonous stupor of food, booze and football. My wife is one of those who gets up at 3 am to go Black Friday shopping so I get to hang out and eat leftovers. The Hurricanes are playing this black Friday, so that's an added bonus. I was hoping to get a kamado grill and do a turkey for Thanksgiving this year, but I don't see that happening.
Also try to make a point to watch A Christmas Story and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation sometime before Christmas.