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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Yeah...he sat for the first quarter or so because of his shenanigans last week.
  2. I'm changing my answer to the rooster sound that South Carolina plays during their games
  3. Mayfield having himself a day after getting benched.
  4. Or the fact that they're 7-1 In the SEC. I wouldn't say they are a lock depending on how dominant the SEC champion winner looks, but you can't count them out at this stage of the game.
  5. Id be happy with 8.
  6. Nope......a 1 loss team to a #6. Not a Bama fan, but can't eliminate rhem on this loss
  7. Hurricanes were playing over their head all year. I think the over/under was 7 years this year. Just sucks the only loss had to come in the final game. Rosier isn't a good QB. He's made some miracle plays to pull out some games they should have lost, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's not the starter next year. If they beat Clemson ( which I doubt they will), they will probably be in the playoff. The team isn't there yet, but this was a damn good season and they are heading in the right direction So far so good . Sherrefs is terrible, but Rosier was terrible the whole game. I think Richts intent in pulling him was to light a fire under Rosier, as he just seemed to be out of it. I think Perry has a good shot at starting next year.
  8. Holy smokes.....rhe guy definitely earned his check that day. Better be damn confident in your PPE. I'm allergic to yellow jackets and white faced hornets. No way I'm getting near that mess.
  9. Open in Microsoft paint. Resize ~75% smaller. Attach. I had a hell of a time with it as well until I secured some help .
  10. Thoughts and prayers are with you today. Sorry for your loss, but always remember the good times. And I'm sure there were plenty over those 67 years.
  11. My parents are far right and hers are far left. We learned early in the process to avoid politics at all costs.
  12. Well my wife woke up sick, now I'm 40 minutes late making the potatoes and my parents and in-laws are waiting. This is starting off with a bang.
  13. The National Dog Show is on today. I Always make an effort to flip to that channel at some point after dinner.
  14. Hope everyone has a good day and no burnt Turkeys.
  15. Of course they aren't. Everyone has vices, demons and skeletons in the closet of some sort. For some reason we hope that elected officials, teachers, police officers etc....will be better than than the norm. There's probably a few that are, but for the most part they all fall into the bell curve like the rest of us. I don't known if they necessarily have a soap box to shout from or if they have a higher bar of standards based on their title. Whatever it is though, the higher you climb in life the further the fall. There are people that are really good at certain things which gets them into decent jobs and positions if power, but that doesn't mean they are good people. Also, the old saying that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones always holds true.
  16. Haha....good looking dog. Whatever she needs to get through the day. I don't judge.
  17. I don't know enough about the the situation to make a useful comment, but the times they are a changing. It's been my experience that you can listen to music anywhere anytime with or without having to pay for it. Can someone who's more in tune (pun intended) with what is going on here tell me who has the most to lose in this situation?
  18. I do not remember that, but it appears he was ahead of the curve in his thinking.
  19. I'm so glad I'm married and don't have to try and go out and figure out how to date these days.....anyone whose gotten laid since 1993 may be under suspicion for debauchery.
  20. She looks like Jimmy Spencer.
  21. 16 years is a good run. I bet there was a lot of good times had in those 16 years. Sorry for your loss.
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