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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Who gives a **** if they never saw combat. They knew it could be a possibility and they signed up anyway.
  2. May as well make it count and get our money's worth then.
  3. Anything we can do to help prevent the Pats from reaching another Superbowl is a win in my book.
  4. You just named more previous patriots than most patriots fans can name.
  5. When in doubt post an emoji.
  6. Let's hope for a Christmas miracle.....go Colts.
  7. Hey.....they game says mature.
  8. I should be getting it for Christmas hopefully.
  9. It's re God damn ridiculous that people are getting burnt for selling weed these days. I guess if you can trace it back to a crime syndicate then there's some Merrit to it, but for the love of Christ on the level of things that need attention, weed shouldn't be that high on the list.....no pun intended.
  10. Here's to 10 days off.....heyooooo. cheers mates :cheers:.....where the hell is the cheers emoji?
  11. Just some random thoughts about the show. Some of my funniest memories are. 1. When fred played the Jackie laugh during Robins sad news stories. 2. Dracula Gottfried during Robins news. 3. The early Artie the years. I also have most of the show from 9/11 on MP3 which is pretty surreal when you go back and listen to it. As I said I haven't listened for quite some time but that show got me through a lot of mornings for about a decade.
  12. Is this true? I haven't listened since I dropped Sirius several years back when he went to 3 days a week.
  13. Would you consider it worse than a grown man who uses emojis in every post?
  14. Well, like most things in this world. Humans are mostly responsible for !@#$ing it up.
  15. That may be true, but there is no way in hell that I would take in a pit bull (or any dog for that matter), that was raised to fight. I got enough to worry about, no need to add another thing.
  16. You let me worry about the details. I just want to learn karate.
  17. It might be time for me to learn karate.
  18. I think a lot of what you said is true. However I think there are bad dogs just like there are bad people. There are plenty of lunatics, criminals and maniacs that were raised in good homes. I don't see why animals would be any different. That doesn't even take into account mental illness. Sometimes people and animals just have a screw loose.
  19. Remember when they had a guy guy read a Chinese menu and tricked Riley into believing it was the Beovion language. Then he said "you !@#$s stumbled upon a ringer.".....hahahaha
  20. And he signed with Clemson
  21. Might want to spring for a paternity test.
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