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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. 🤣🤣🤣 Crying Dallas fans. This weekend can't get any better.
  2. It was a thing of beauty and I believe it set the tone for the rest of the game.
  3. Should have went for ✌ on the last score.
  4. Oh my head......I hope I feel like this every week
  5. The fact that it's the Patriots makes it so much better.
  6. I'm gonna sleep so good tonight.
  7. Belichick seems to be a sore loser. No class.
  8. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a great Sportsman. Bill Belichick at your service. What a prick.
  9. Great throw by Mac Jones........and that's a wrap.
  10. I guess you have to give them something
  11. Can anyone dig up that Boston newscast where they said the Bills were made to lock a turd and they were done after the first loss to the Pats?
  12. Time to pull the starters and get liquored up.
  13. It's their job to stop us as the old Bill Belichick saying goes.
  14. The shots of the breath in the freezing weather and the scoreboard with the Bills in a runaway is giving me a moderate *****.
  15. Praise 👏 Jesus....can it please end now.
  16. I can't argue with top 3...I was debating between 3 and 5.
  17. Agreed. Chase has emerged as a top 5 guy very early in his career.
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