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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. or worse and end up with I did have the privilege of living in intercourse for several years and it is literally 3 or 4 miles down the road from Bird-In-Hand. If anyone ever passes through make a point to stop at the Bird-In-Hand bakery and get some whoopie pies.
  2. Nobody ever claimed Lamar was the brightest bulb in the box.
  3. I miss the good ol days of getting infractions from @T&C. 🤣🤣....I kid. This place is great.
  4. I just had this conversation with my 11 year old yesterday. She told me about 2 kids that got in a fight at school and I asked what happened. She said kid A got in kid B's face and started saying mean things and kid B socked kid A in the face. I think the younger generation is so used to saying whatever they want on social media that, they don't realize there could be a different outcome if you don't choose your words more wisely in person.
  5. They're not gonna jump over a 5 foot fence. Just keep minimal distance between the rails. More chance going under or through than over.
  6. Oh *****....I thought it was the worst hot take. Not my own hot take.
  7. Let me ask you this. If we would win a Superbowl with Hunt on the roster would that win mean any less to you?
  8. Judging by the reactions to your post, it would appear the consensus is we're ok with never winning a superbowl as long as the team are pillars of the community.
  9. I think that's less than the mint julip at the derby
  10. Stevie will always be one of my favorite Bills. One of the few highlights during the stretch of misery.
  11. Personally, I think Buckcherrys self titled album is underated. There are a ton of good songs on there. I played it out somewhere around the summer of 1999 when I flew the coop and moved out on my own. , but I digress Crazy, but that's how it goes Millions of people living as foes Maybe. It's not too late To learn how to love, and forget how to hate
  12. Not a fan of the guy, but the reality is sometimes you have to employ some undesirables if you want to win. Of course I'd love to win with a bunch of choir boys, but if a couple of degenerates gets us over the hump I can deal with that. Nobody is looking back on the Patriots and putting an asterisk next to their wins for having Hernandez. The Chiefs basically have a team from the Longest Yard, and nobody cares. Just win baby.
  13. I dont know much about the situation, but I heard the Wisconsin coach put his hand on Howard's chest first
  14. Yes sir. Had a goat and a few sheep growing up. Honest to God it saved me from some seriously injury at one point. My mom told me to never get into the pen with them, but being 10 I didn't listen. I went in to feed them and as soon as I got in, the sheep started ramming me against the wire fence. I got cut up a little bit and fell to the ground. The Goat stood over me for several minutes so the sheep couldn't get at me until my mom got back. He was s good boy. Low maintenance.
  15. Phones broke again. Links not embedding. https://youtu.be/SbXrgGpvPeU
  16. The Wu Tang documentary Of Mics and Men is on Amazon until the 28th.
  17. My thoughts are the same as they were when the game ended.......How the ***** do you manage to blow a lead with 13 seconds left when you have ball in hand on the kickoff. There's nothing that can be said thay will ever change my mind that this was one of the all time blunders in franchise history. It's so disappointing after how the team came back.
  18. There's only so much you can do.
  19. Tomlin is a great coach. It always blows my mind when Steelers fans call for his head. Only thing I can think of is maybe sometimes a change of scenery is needed ala Andy Reid.
  20. I believe there was some sarcasm intended in the post that you're referring to, although it's not always easy to detect via thismedium.
  21. A disastrous mix of inhabitants.
  22. Oh heavens, the Staffords must be in a real pickle now. Will they rescind their offer to cover medical expenses? This whole thing has taken on. Life of its own.
  23. Nothing makes sense.
  24. I think there's a bit of speculation going on here.
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