Got tomorrow off for lunch beers and some comraderrie with some old friends. Never was big into basketball, but always love the NCAA tournament.........
Allen from New Mexico needs to humble it up a bit.
Seriously....they give the guy that crazy money, then just trade away his #1 receiver, and not just his # 1. Possibly the #1 in the NFL. There seems to be a total disconnect with the team on all levels.
Where I ran off 'cos I got mad,
An' it came to blows with my old man.
Where I came back to settle down,
It's where they'll put me in the ground:
This is my town.
Seriously...No matter what party you identify with, can anyone name one positive accomplishment this dunce in office has accomplished? You can't screw up this bad by accident.
Is this even news? $ = power. That's the facts. I use 50 shades of Grey as an example of how society works. Rich dude can do all kinds of creepy ***** because he's rich and can offer a whole lot of benefits. A HVAC technician who makes $30/hr would be brought up on charges in 2 days for sexual assault. It goes both ways. If you're going to the playboy mansion as barely clothed woman and making living as an object of desire, don't be surprised when a pervert or 10 comes your way. With all that being said. Never touch a woman after she says stop. It goes both ways
I don’t know how sambvca shots play into the equation, but regardless I'm safe at home. A nice bit of Chick-fil-A here. Eating random waffle fries. So far I'm a fan of binge drinking.
***** my 🧠 many useful things have been left out and cast aside, but for some reason I remember you chicken wing avatar. It was a plate or a basket of some beautiful wings.