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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. Hoofa....what a week.
  2. Toss them in some rice flour if you want the outside to get a bit crispier. It works in the deep fryer and air fryer. I'd imagine it would help on the grill as well.
  3. Anywhere from $13-25. It's freaking ridiculous. There are some places listing them at "market price", like they're king crab legs.
  4. Thermostat setting? Its hot as hell here right now and my sweet bride is cold with the thermostat set at 76 (used to be 78, but i knocked it back 2 degrees). What's the normal temperature of TBD thermostats?
  5. Yep. And furthermore Id let her drive me around just to do so.
  6. I wasn't aware of any of this. I give it 2 years.
  7. I can't see how this league can sustain itself. Eveey game i turn on, there are maybe a few hundred people in the stands and that is probably being generous.
  8. This is just my opinion, but social media has been the single biggest misery to society in my 40+ years. Maybe I'm a Luddite, but I see much more harm than good.
  9. Similar to every other gang on the planet. Groups take in and manipulate vulnerable and disenfranchised individuals to do their bidding.
  10. Streamlined to the point where he was carried out in a body bag. There's no investigation that needs to be completed. He was witnessed murdering multiple people. He shouldn't be breathing right now.
  11. Death penalty needs to be used more often and fast tracked. There's no reason people like this need to be on the planet.
  12. What's wrong with some eye candy while bantering about football?
  13. My calculations had 11.3, but whats a few points among friends.
  14. Ive always worn Citizen watches. On my third one in 23 years. Good quality for the price.
  15. Still wear a standard analog watch.
  16. Thank you. Just tweet what happened, not some vage cryptic statement that does nothing but cause people to speculate.
  17. Jets smets....we got Araiza. Draft won on day 3.
  18. This guy is drunk. Get the pick in.
  19. I cant believe Seattle didn't use one of their back to backs on a QB
  20. I think the edibles kicked in.
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