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Everything posted by Rc2catch

  1. But the information about the tapes is just her recollection of what was said?? I asked last night cause I was confused by it I thought snippets were leaked out. If the tape is so cut and dry you’d think the criminal charges would of been filed a long time ago.
  2. I understand the police part, he had all the pressure he needed last night when the story broke (her lawyer) he didn’t need all this extra twitter stuff. He is working for HIS pay day is the money grab imo. Not blaming the kid, her lawyer is the one who looks desperate for money here.
  3. 100% he’s made the case about him now and he’s loving the attention he’s getting. When this thread started his client was gonna get maximum value that they asked for. Each tweet is probably losing her money and killing all the leverage he had.
  4. That’s girls lawyer is not doing her any favors. Dudes still tweeting.. He wreaks of desperation for his pay check on this. Tagging the police department and Araiza in his posts.. I have never seen a lawyer act that way. There’s winning the public which he already did before the twitter rants.. Now he’s just being childish about it
  5. We never will. Regardless of how this goes I don’t think it’s something he will ever give the real details on. He will just give the “we did our homework and felt comfortable” or the other version “once we discovered the information we let him go” But he’s never going to publicly tell us the behind the scenes for this one.
  6. Just my opinion but I think they have enough info that they expect this to be work out in his favor. Otherwise he would of been cut before this even hit the news cycle. and as of tonight, he’s an active player and can play. Maybe the league decides before game time to put him on the exempt list but as of now he’s an active player
  7. I think mostly everyone can agree the two lawyers involved in this so far are not exactly normal
  8. To be fair, he’s a 6th round punter. Depending on what they’re asking, he might not even be worth that much yet. Let’s say they asked for 5 million, doubt him and his parents have that
  9. I don’t know, it had the lady he contacted for the Bills, another woman’s name for the bcc and he left araizas lawyers phone number on the texts.
  10. When it started I was fully sympathetic to the victim in this. Her lawyers actions have me thinking he is losing HIS pay day out of this though. Which sucks because I do believe the girl was raped that night. I’m not sure what Matt’s role is in any of this. I’m kind of hoping the league just puts him on the exempt list tomorrow until it’s all resolved. Helps the team, Matt can still collect his checks, if he’s guilty it won’t matter cause he’ll lose all the money later on. If he is innocent he’ll be ready to go.
  11. So the victims lawyer, during his twitter rant posted the pics of his texts/emails and he didn’t block out any phone numbers or email addresses? I’m a twitter rookie and even I know to cross out personal info
  12. It’s been quite a roller coaster since this thread started. After initial reports I never expected her lawyer to have a Twitter meltdown posting texts and 25 pages of googled California laws.
  13. League is probably gonna jump on this asap. He can’t take the field tomorrow with all this happening tonight. Exempt list basically just sends him home until it’s resolved
  14. I think some of you literally just dislike each other and wanna bicker. I feel like there’s 20 pages of law articles and there’s not even a criminal case yet.
  15. I keep seeing everyone using the phone stuff as fact. I figured I missed where that info came from. Thank you for clearing it up.
  16. Question.. So if they used these phone calls as part of their criminal investigation and now snippets are being released publicly because of the civil suit, aren’t they possibly ruining some of the best evidence in a criminal case? I’m learning a lot about law tonight
  17. I will say this much. When the news first broke on here I was kinda feeling this kid is done and 99% guilty. But that young ladies lawyer now has me thinking tonights news is a cash grab with his actions. I still believe she was raped, and it’s all still very disgusting, I’m not trying to discredit or shame her, but I’m having doubts of his actual involvement now. I just can’t see this regime backing this guy even this far into it without having knowledge he has some innocence in this. It just doesn’t fit with anything they have done since arriving here. He’s a 6th round punter and one of the easiest cuts on the roster. They could easily released a statement and cut him and been off the hook.
  18. They have to have more info. They would of cut him immediately tonight if this just dropped on them with no knowledge or heads up from him or the agent.
  19. Dang that lawyer is either spot on or super aggressive.
  20. Yeah I agree. If this kid or his agent didn’t give them a heads up he’d already be released.
  21. The league will probably step in now that all the media is on it,
  22. To be fair it sounds true to all of us. But that’s the problem with only one side of the story out there currently and possibly some details missing.
  23. Haack plays for the Indianapolis Colts.
  24. All the better to beat them at full strength. It’s a statement game. I’m not gonna be sad if they suspend just my preference
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