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Everything posted by Rc2catch

  1. But it’s a lawsuit. They can literally claim you were there if they chose to add that. It doesn’t make it false but it isn’t fact either
  2. So it’s two things. Either the police are probably in trouble if he’s admitting to this stuff and they didn’t handle it properly Or there’s more on the tapes that’s not listed in the lawsuit and that’s why the police did not act swiftly. Either way though we can’t take what’s in the lawsuit as fact
  3. You’re good.. But she’s reading from the lawsuit not listening to the tapes right?
  4. I still find it weird out of all the athletic freaks that were active they picked the older not overly mobile quarterback to kick. Just a weird fit. On a rough night though his 50 yarder was a nice feel good moment.
  5. When did he admit that?
  6. Maybe he wants to be the face on this subject. Mcdermott is used to high pressure questioning.
  7. Pushed back to 4 I read
  8. Because the media is going to hound them for every detail. What they knew, when they knew, everyone is already suspicious of the timeline.
  9. This is true, but it’s also assuming her lawyer doesn’t have more info he’s willing to drop if his number isn’t met.
  10. It might be too late. I fully understand they can lighten the pressure by the media by releasing him, but I don’t think that takes them off the hook now
  11. I can understand that. I just think the window for them to wash their hands of this closed already. I believe they’re linked until this finishes even if they cut him right now.
  12. I don’t agree. They are now linked until this is over. The hounding might not be as bad but they’ll still receive questions every chance until it’s resolved.
  13. And you think it goes away if they cut him? They can drop him right now and Mcdermott will still be hounded every chance for as long as this stays in the news cycle. It’s too late to avoid the distraction element
  14. I’m still on the give Allen as many weapons as possible. Hodgins is a weapon cause he can catch anything thrown his way. He made back to back phenomenal catches last night on two badly thrown balls. I think they have given a lot of guys a fair shot to win jobs from our core special teamers. We’ll find out soon if they were able to beat them out. I’m rooting for Hodgins to stay healthy and get on the 53 this year though.
  15. I didn’t take it that way. But I can understand why people feel that way. I’m sure he’s not happy, but who wants to sit in front of these vultures knowing you can’t really say anything and they’ll keep rephrasing over and over.
  16. The fans are not owed anything at the current stage. It’s a legal matter and not the team’s responsibility to go into detail yet. How is Beane gonna stand up there and say he had or has information they were comfortable keeping him? When they can’t disclose the information they may or may not have. It’s too early in the process still for them to give any actual information. They literally can’t say much at all. You seen that with Mcdermott last night.
  17. The hardest part for me is trying to keep in mind I do believe the girl was raped that night. So it’s a fine line of respecting the trauma she went through while also being skeptical if he was involved. I figured he was guilty of something until her lawyer started going crazy the other night and he was still on the roster. I understand public pressure trying to get the law system to work, he had that as soon as the lawsuit was made public. His client had sympathy and national news backing her and the story had traction. Then he went on twitter posting texts and personal info and it looked like he’s panicking he’ll lose his pay to me. At this current point I think terrible things happened to her that night. But I’m wavering on Araizas involvement.
  18. They could, but I highly doubt they’d waste a spot there. I’m not for cutting him but it’s looking like the only option unless they have real info and think he can be cleared quickly.
  19. I actually thought he just looked completely exhausted. Almost zombie like. When he said he hasn’t slept much I fully believed him.
  20. I’m gonna head out, cause Simon is about to crack some skulls tonight. This ain’t twitter folks and it’s a good idea to proofread before hitting submit.
  21. That was a hard watch with the coach. But it’s also possible he decided to take that on instead of Beane or anyone else. Might of been his decision to speak first. Those are live flying bullets and no time to prepare an answer and he’s quite good at handling those.
  22. I feel for the coach. Tough spot to be in.
  23. About 27 pages of speculation, I counted 😜
  24. Listen, I spent almost 6 minutes on Google… I think I can pass the California bar exam now. I’m qualified don’t worry
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