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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. And some people think eating raw oysters,tuna and or clams sounds "offal".
  2. When I came back stateside,I jived my way into a SERE course courtesy of the Corps.We drank our urine,ate raw elk which included organ meat, since the limitation of any access to flame was grossly low in a wet,damp forest...but a fella we called Junkman got us lit..the raw consumption was rough.I vote flame....and don't trust wild mushrooms.Igotchopeyoteritehea.
  3. Time for a block party after Mike fizzles out.
  4. Aug,please don't take this the wrong way but would you please consider donating your items to the Veterans? They will even come to your home for a pick-up...Goodwill is a business and it's not a non profit..Peace to you.
  5. Overkill?
  6. no way...a second and a body.Philly is desperate and hungry..milk them dry.
  7. He did a great job,I'm not happy with this news,not at all!
  8. The fans play a big part of wins like we had today.They were off the chart loud when the defense was out there...the players thrive off that fan fever vibe....
  9. Do you fellas from out of town ever invite locals to hang out with you?
  10. A old lady drove into the front of it a few weeks ago...I think it's still closed.
  11. We just had take out from them last night.I remember the take out only white house they had on Penora and Terrace right by the railroad tracks.....mid 70's before they bought what once was a florist store/nursery.
  12. Clay was wide open on several plays this afternoon,Josh never looked at him.I'm beginning to wonder what Culley talks to Allen about when they are sitting side by side in the bench reviewing still photos.
  13. They don't sell either.Just subs on Harlem and sides.
  14. How refreshing to see Lawson play like he really cared...hopefully,he's finally pain free and healthy.Acupuncture is much better than a numbing needle....
  15. Things sure did change after McD and Frazier had a closed door meeting post the Chargers game.I wish I was a fly on the wall for that "conversation".
  16. John and Mary's doesn't serve pizza at a few of their locations,including the one on Harlem in Cheektowaga.
  17. Sir..I watch every game,even twice.One thing I will say about Josh is the fact he doesn't complete his throws to the flat..he isn't "following through"..he soft tossed in those situations again today.In addition,week in and week out,he forgets about his tight ends....he didn't see a wide open Clay a few times today.
  18. So..you don't put any blame on our flankers?????
  19. The defense is much,much better than it was in weeks #1 and #2.
  20. Because we were short a body in the secondary...that's why Marlowe dressed...not to mention,Murphy has been banged up.
  21. What did Murphy do wrong to lose his job?
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