I was in their stadium once ...mid fall against Pitt.What a beautiful campus...The church bells ringing while the multi colored leafs were falling off the trees was an amazing experience.Most of the fans went into small cathedrals for prayers after the game which was unique.
Beane traded a third and a seventh for him one year ago and he's being paid peanuts.8 games left,I say use him like a rented mule...then let him sign with the Dolphins in the off season.
Are you ready...I just started rewatching.
9:10 first qtr.
Sweet play on gronkowski
14:56 2nd qtr stopped dropping on Hogan
9:30 2nd qtr nice stuff for a no gain
He got caught up in the middle again...and one block should not knock him out of plays...he's weak up top.I won't challenge his warrior like mental state on the field...but he needs to play his position.