I'm playing with "his" money...won the college championship and nailed the under in the first game because of the weather..that game was 56..I locked in but it dropped to 54.
Good luck tonight.
At this stage of the winter...
My needs:
One more arm for the pen,I hate the idea of having Conlon getting that role.
5/6 starter....I have a bad feeling about Vargas this year.
So..they will probably add another outfielder.
If Frazier isn't unloaded,his .220-25 ish BA won't be tolerated,that's for sure.Add another rumor into this drama...some in the inner circle are saying McNeil is going to play some CF in ST.
Stay tuned.
How many years has he had a tax payer funded "state of the art" project in place to replace the Father Baker Bridge? Pfft..that Skyway isn't going anywhere,any time soon.More Albany based bull####...