2018 was the fourth warmest in the history of keeping records for planet Earth.
Down Under is burning hot right now..Al Gore (not Franken) had it right.
So fellas like Mead ,who is a season ticket holder and a NYS taxpayer doesn't get a invite, but people that are not season ticket holders and live in another state do?????
Talk about back-assed.
My sister in law has a tanning bed in her basement...lives in Lewiston,very nice home ..she can deal with the limited amount of snowfall they get up there but the constant winter clouds that come of Niagara Falls takes a toll on her mental state.
Enjoy the game,Aug.
Yes..characters.Anyway..my bad,my bride told me I'm thinking of the R bar.That place is a dump and served some very below average food when we went there.
Sad news,Dreadlock Larry,the famous.homeless 'nam vet was found this morning.He's been walking Main St. In Williamsville for at least the past 20 years,the last we talked,his locks were down to his knees.....charming fella.
RIP Larry
Broadway..near the Harlem overpass. Do.they have the Flintstones painted on the side of the building?.I don't get up that way.much,but I will try them soon.
I owned a duplex on Bert Rd. No need to explain where Gandy's is...you go to Johnny when your on the hill.
Wally...I'll test it out soon for take out.
It better be good and it better not be the place with the Flintstones on the side of the building!