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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. Hughes has been without a drag race partner since Dareus was shipped out,this might work.
  2. NC....but I have tonight on my mind,the Hokies are getting 5.5. I think VT wins outright.
  3. Really...must have been a lot of slapping going on. I kid....
  4. If it's true buffalonian BOW....then they get it shipped down in sealed bags from JH Dodman Meats on Michigan St. Dodman is also the supplier for Andersons.
  5. Isn't that the reason why the county is trying to shut down Club Marcella...
  6. Sure..all it takes is a little common sense but I'm sure folks bend the rules.Much like Ontario with beer..they don't allow public consumption but go to the little "baby hole" beach by the PB in Ft.Erie and people (mostly Americans)are pounding them .
  7. Yes sir..not having him and Wood side by side really hurt us...just look at Shady's numbers.
  8. My father knew good old Art from the Broadway/Bailey area..I forgot about him.
  9. You want some great news.... M&T Bank is bringing 1,000 tech jobs to downtown Buffalo!
  10. I saw that this afternoon...times will be tough down in South Beach for a few years,he's going to clean the house..and he has nothing to spend.
  11. I'm Catholic and Pro-Life but I can understand Albany's way of thinking,of course ,it's about money.The Social Service offices see the same women come in so they can "" update" their status...meaning mom got drunk at a party,got laid and has no idea who the baby's daddy is.Meanwhile...daddy is living with her and the 4 other fatherless children in a subsidized apartment that's in her name.....not to mention eating food that she "buys" with use of her taxpayer funded EBT card.children=money. Again... Scumbags.
  12. I know people that have moved out of Buffalo for lower taxes and warmer weather...then when they get older and sick..they move back to suck off of Medicaid. Scumbags. the state is a cesspool and a charity organization...all on the shoulders of the tax payers...not to mention..unions have destroyed the state.
  13. For the most part...but if we were in cap trouble,I'm sure I would feel differently.But that's not the case,#3 in money and owners that want to spend to create a football playing machine.
  14. Bob..no doubt about it.I think we both know the answer to why he's being over looked...the MAC doesn't get much exposure outside of a mid week game on ESPN.The ESPN3 streaming games are no way to sell the conference to the average college football fan. I wish him the best...the kid is a tackling machine!
  15. The worst part for me is the waiting that's involved...I'm relaxed and anxious at the same time,if that makes any sense.Regarless..we will be a better football team come September.Go Bills!
  16. On a positive note,Beane attended a few Bulls games this year and he talked to Brad Riter about him.Make no mistake about it..he's on his radar...5th or later?
  17. 9.8 for that role..with no worries. Be kind to him like we were with Kyle.
  18. It's Christmas Day on the lower West Side.
  19. Kind of a moot point to bring up Shady and his contract when we are 85 m under the cap...hell bring in another 6 m dollar back and keep him...we have that luxury.
  20. Not sure if you lived here when The Coach (Chuck Dickerson) was on.Not only did he yell/scream at some callers,he would also threaten to kick their asses..literally invited people to come to the studios for dance in.the parking lot. Very entertaining show back in the day.
  21. I still want one more year with him running behind a much better line....but I get your point,88.
  22. Are you judging him on his '18 season? If so,I couldn't name a rb in the league that would have been productive with our o-line in front of him.
  23. I don't see any love for Cook...he had 900 yards last season.
  24. When are you going to buyout the ATT/Directv rights to all NFL games? Meadtv has a ring to it..build the empire.
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