He is not thinking in a sane way...that's my point! We never thought my sister would put a pistol to her head in front of my other sister..but she did.And she was a OR nurse..it haunts us everyday and in a way has tore our family apart.I'm out of this thread now..it's hitting home to hard for me.peace.
To call him crazy is wrong.obviously he is crying out for help...don't try to judge a person that suffers from depression/mental illness without knowing all the facts..which you don't.
Oh I know,it's not over.Sadly,people in his state of mind usually end up doing what they intended to do.My sister got very,very sad and she had a great life..we lost her to suicide..all of the help in the world couldn't get her to keep living.
Mick was just on during the game..he said wheeler was at 96..he's going to let a battle happen for the final two spots in the rotation..I kind of thought the DN article earlier in the week was premature.
I feel the same in my skull about Mighty Taco...I just don't taste enjoyment in what they offer...if youre stoned or have beer blood..or both,then it's top of the chart...
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.for me..I really need a pretty set of feet..my bride has very nice feet,I love when she paints her nails hot pink..that gets my flood flowing.I really dislike black..yellow is cool in the summer when she's tanned.yeah..toes
I never look at deals for my much better half..but I think the send to "at the the workplace" thing got a bit old for us..but the smile can't be beat when it shines.I know the work delivery can be a HEY..LOOK AT ME thing....give her them when she walks in the door..a few minutes after her enterance.surprise the shot out of her...like on a random tuesday...33 yrs hey? I've been kissing my chick since 1985.young marine punk i was...then I put a ring on..the nug was in and family demanded.shotgun it....