Yes sir..I looked up flights,they are anywhere between 9-12 hours with one or two connections.Bad reporting for seemed like a plug for Santoras since she was reporting from there... "Why not just watch the game here instead of............"
I wonder if Milano could move to the middle..have Hitchens move to Alexanders spot and Bradham to the left side? Milano said he was going to bust the weights over the winter..I'm sure McD and Beane are staying updated..
Officially.But we all know GM's have been talking to agents.and players talk to players. For don't think Kyle hasn't talked to Nigel ? They were tight before Bradham got the "boot".
It sure sounds that way..not sure what is worse..sitting in airport lounges drinking 9 dollar bottles of beer and eating a 18 dollar club sandwich or sitting next to a smelly person on a very long train ride.If I was going..I would do a roadie in my SUV.
He's the exact same way in person..just a FYI,he's a Cleve Hill graduate,comes from a hard working middle class family.It's really tough to dislike the guy.
Easy Tiger.No..I doubt anybody in the media is ever 75% spot on.However,some do have insiders...Drennan has a solid track record.
But the Rock and Roll HOF makes for a cool visit.
Just my opinion..and it's a strong one.Why in the hell is our rookie manager talking about him to the media???? Harvey doesn't want the spotlight...the guy appears to be happy and well adjusted again.Mick needs to learn something..he's in New York now..not Cleveland.This is mistake number one by Calloway!