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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. Rare Saturday afternoon home game,I don't remember the last time this happened.I'm waiting,with baited breath,to see if Plawecki will be behind the plate tommorrow.
  2. I would like to know how many members have ever been to the Hospice Campus on Como Park Blvd in Cheektowaga to pay a visit to a very ill family member and or friend? Mr.Wilson is still taking care of the very ill.WTF has Sullivan ever done for our community?????? NOTHING!!!!!!!!
  3. "He's got no zippers"
  4. Broncos....Mayfield.
  5. Next week we'll see a report by a media guy who claims the Bills love him.
  6. Then why does Denver want him? Rothlisburger came from Miami (oh)...are they known for producing star qb's?
  7. Cleveland is finished with the rebuild..Bills only dance partner would be Denver.
  8. Odds are,Dorsey will not respond to your letter.So don't get your hopes up...concentrate on Easter eggs..color some.
  9. He's the reason why I no longer get delivery.
  10. Nah..it's cool..he is a great find..not many outside of the UB fan base know much about him...
  11. Check out the college board.
  12. He is a hidden secret...but not anymore.
  13. I don't understand why Cleveland would keep selling for the future?Do they want a future now,or is the franchise going to continue with on the backburner,one day down the road approach? Dorsey seems like he wants to make things happy now...and the Browns will have mega money under the cap again in '19.
  14. 65 million next year..as of now.
  15. Denver..when they bought Manning.
  16. Was his 90 against FSU legit,or was it late game garbage?
  17. His quick release is a thing of beauty.
  18. Or drive a tank into a canyon wall?
  19. His undercut with 2nd and 3rd full ..with two outs was uncalled for..if he's going to bat clean-up..he can't pop out to the catcher.6 lob.I doubt he stays there..odds are Frazier will end up there.
  20. Animal House 2.??????????⛄?????⛵??⛽?♊???????????✨??
  21. His book will be out in May.
  22. That really wasn't a bad pitch.98 inside,little above the elbow.
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