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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. Wow..is that area patrolled by a local police dpt..or county?
  2. I beat those numbers .
  3. The extra 25 dollars being charged to us by the Erie County Water Authority is another joke.That was suppose to be a one time charge..it's been over three years now.In addition,they are NOT owned by the county.p.s.- Here in cheektowaga,the sanitation collectors make 52 k a year,working 6 hour days...and they have 100% health and dental care coverage.It's getting rough here and people are getting fed up.
  4. Ha..same with my pop..Chevy wagons...and he bought my mom a Monte Carlo.For a good amount of years both the vehicles were light blue..comedy gold..a few of my friends had laughs about my parents selections...Looney tune 70's!
  5. It was a station wagon,wasn't it?
  6. The Cleveland Indians once had a 25 cent draft night..it didn't end well.
  7. No Christian burial/funeral either?
  8. Growing up we never missed mass,even when we would go on vacation my parents would find a church to go to.TBH..my wife goes much more than I do,but I do pray everyday.I really think if she wasn't in my life I would sin a bit more than I do..she doesn't allow pornographic material in our home for example.And cursing is frowned upon ( "f",sob," b"), "a-hole").No meat for us on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during lent either...also I confess my sins to the lord..in private while she goes to church to confess.Bottom line...she is 100% old school.me..70%.
  9. I love going to Lucy's Retired Surfers Bar when we go down there...very hip city.
  10. We had another property assessment done in our area..between the school and property,we took on a $489 hit. The outdated union contracts are a killer...when sanitation workers are pulling in 52 k for part time work...you know the politicians are accepting "things" from the union reps.
  11. I try to catch the Mets there when they play the pirates..I find it comical that local establishments have Heinz ketchup on their tables..I saw people putting ketchup on their fish frys..anyway..sure Terry Bradshaw,who is a bit odd,was a helluva QB..the old iron curtain,consisting of Greene,Greenwood..they had Lambert,Ham..the vet Rocky Blier,Franco Harris,Swann,Stallworth,Blount...talk about loaded..and then they got Bubby Brister.Is Iron City Beer still being produced there?
  12. I love it here but with very little family left and me pitching fits about my arthritis issues,odds are we will hit up a for sale sign sooner than first thought.My bride is still having a tough time with our nug's relocation to North Carolina,the nest is empty and it's taking a toll on her..factor in the fact that her father is very ill..The bottom line is heading towards us...I know sometime soon I will sit down with my mother in law and say "We're selling the houses,start packing up your s h I t because you're coming with us to Louisiana".Hopefully our nug will get a transfer to Pasgagula,MS . All of these projections and desires lead me to believe...I will still be in Cheektowaga a year from now..and the year after that..and the year after that......Why??? Because my bride and mother in law are two stubborn pollacks.
  13. If you're living in TPS,please tell me you spend some down time pulling in salmon? P.S.-Vancouver is on my list..sitting outside on a cafe patio chair,sipping a warm coffee with just a splash of creamer ,sinking in the view of a snow capped mountain top....oh yeah...I'm in.That Seattle/Vancouver area has it going on..
  14. I doubt you will be feeling bad for Browns fans a year from now,Dorsey has them headed in the right direction.San Fran..rice-a-roni,cable cars and some major ads hills..thank God they don't get icy there..reminds me of certain parts of Pittsburgh..where ,at times,you feel like your driving your vehicle on a roller coaster.Candlestick Park and the Golden Gate Bridge...not to mention the sea lions taking sun baths on the boat docks...yeah.
  15. Do you remember the horrible Stingley injury,caused by Tatum?Also..Phil Villapiono becoming a Bill.I loved Fred Blintenkoff (sp)...that long blonde hair and hands laced with glue..and wrists wrapped in heavy white tape.Sadly..Stabler,who called Alabama games on the radio passed on...too many Jack and Cokes.
  16. That stadium...the smell and the hanging wires.Oakland Alameda County Stadium..dear god,the place surely is a majestic wonder.
  17. I was in Milwaukee before..those red brick corner gin mills are classic...for sure a very loyal area with a down home feel. John Murphy has said repeatedly how nice the fans treat the out of towners.
  18. Yes..and the Chargers lightning bolt helmets are total kick ass.
  19. Some of the best road uniforms in the league...have you ever read the book by George Plimpton called Paper Lion? He actually played as a full in goalie for a Red Wings preseason game.
  20. Cleveland is so hip now..love the flats and the rock and roll HOF is a no miss. There is no more "mistake on the lake". P.S.-Do you watch Drennan on STO?
  21. I like when you drive out of tunnel heading southbound and boom you can see downtown.The stadiums to the left by the river heading to Covington,Kentucky.Your new baseball stadium is nice..I saw my beloved Mets play there...nice fans..had some "crooked river chili" there..spicey!
  22. Did you enjoy watching them play in both St.Louis and LA? I know a few Chargers fans that hate them now because of the LA move...
  23. I enjoy the Saints because i have family and friends in that part of the country,seeing a game in the SuperDome after hurricane Katrina hit was really special.Biggest reason.....my pop liked them...he liked Archie Manning..maybe because his name was Archie?
  24. I'll listen to Sal on GR...far to much jibber-jabber on ESPN and NFLN for me.
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