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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. Don't hate on the dog,man.
  2. You know what,Gunnery,i'm beginning to think DiSarcina is the weak link in Mick's "mistakes". I sure do love the honesty and the "taking it like a man" attitude that Callaway tried to shine in his post game interview.Something is brewing between Mick and DiSarcina...bank on it.Just go back to the Cards series...that pregame interview with DiSarcina was downright awkward.I applaud Mick for taking the bullet today.....he could have thrown his bench coach under the bus..but he didn't.
  3. Yes..in Clarence for burgers.
  4. But the cash only sign is on the front door.
  5. Yes sir...including Glover's.
  6. Trust me,I asked myself the same question a few hours ago.It's a beautiful day here in the B-low 'burbs and I'm still watching the game in the house.On a positive note the "Dream Wheeler" pitched well...he wasn't forcing his pitches at all.Hang in there.....
  7. He would be the 12th WR on the roster...how in the heck can you possibly give all these guys proper playing time in the pre season? Out of the entire group we have a #2 and a #4 guy.
  8. Mickey's Clubhouse.
  9. DiSarcina posted a different card in the dugout...didn't match what was given to the umpire. So Bruce gets the out without a plate appearance..Cab's double doesn't count.
  10. They batted out of order,unreal.
  11. Not sure..might have something to do with shutting down the Falls for a few days so the authorities can gather a few dozen dead bodies...or blame Trump and the entire GOP. Remember....I wasn't the one that left B-low for Chicago...
  12. If you mail something on a Saturday or Sunday out of Buffalo ,it's trucked to their Rochester main branch,then trucked back to Buffalo (716- zip codes). Talk about whacked....
  13. This is true. As I young boy,I remember walking down Clinton with my two young sisters (70's). Spending a few quarters on bubble gum,sports cards,candy courtesy of our uncle's deep pockets..those days are long gone.On a positive note,Wiechec's still rocks for fish fry's and beef on weck.
  14. My only question for you is....do you shop at Camillio's? Their italian sausage is off the charts.
  15. Do you know every delivery person that works for them is charged 50 dollars for every piece that was not delivered? Don't blame the driver. P.S.- My son worked for them before he landed a solid gov't job. Sounds like this is a hub problem.
  16. You disliked Collins for what reason...because he took a conservative approach? Speaking of lefty on lefty..Callaway did the same thing on Sunday with Conforto. I said before,I will say it again...Mick has to start making better and stronger decisions.a few weeks ago,before the afternoon start in St.Louis...DiSarcina was interviewed...he stated Callaway was coming up to him for advice....not sure who walked behind the camera but the person said "the interview is over". THIS!
  17. Not a chance Groy gets the axe....no way,no how. Bodine is the one that might be gone by September...picking him up a few months ago was a depth concern early.Not sure what happened with Miller last year...he was the starter until the middle of the rain filled Bengals game...then POOF...he never dressed again.
  18. About the only thing that is keeping me sane is the fact it's May. I hate to keep pounding on Callaway but I truly feel if Collins was still the field manager we wouldn't be watching this mess.
  19. First off..thank you for treating me like a gentleman..I like that. If we are talking about population in the inner city (especially the east side)...well,the same can be said for every other city in america,for the most part.Now...if these stats suggest low numbers of the entire county..we both know why! Taxes...taxes..taxes..Every city has there low income,social services dependants that reside within. We ,here in Cheektowaga are trying to rid of section 8 housing...I don't want to get political here...but when low income,non tax payers start flocking in...drug addiction starts to act like a high rise condo,theft numbers go up...etc.I could go on and on...but I won't. Peace.
  20. If he gets blown up again tonight,we have a serious problem to deal with. I did expect a high scoring series though...but I doubt the Reds go back to back with 6 or more runs.
  21. Bye is cool in my book...Good Bye is a different story in itself.
  22. What if he was your son,brother,cousin or good friend?
  23. Hey Cheektowaga...you do mean "used guyz"?
  24. Yes sir,this is the reason why he needs to avoid alcohol. Anti depressants with booze mixed = Death.
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