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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. Don't ever call Roto-Rooter...holy crap ,they are really pricey. 20 minutes..and he looked at our dated furnace ,which is 21 hrs old.
  2. Honeywell digital stat -120,service call-79.
  3. Our central air didn't kick on yesterday.Tropical Heating &Cooling came out at 9:30....$203 for a new thermostat.The fella said he had three more service calls on his list after he was finished with our job...including one that consisted of installing a new unit. Amazing...
  4. People have been saying that since the turn of the century.Just a FYI....the FQ didn't flood when Katrina hit.Brian Williams (NBC) lied about seeing dead bloated bodies floating down Bourbon St. That's one of the reasons why he was fired.
  5. I've been in ours just a few times in the past 5 or so years..my wife likes to lay on a raft and get a suntan..she won't touch the water if it's in the low 80's..,so my heating bill in the summer months is silly high.Happy wife= Happy life. My wife wants a hot tub...that's where I draw the line.
  6. Better than snowblowing.
  7. Wow,for sure. Hope they are doing OK since I'm sure that horrible day is a major part of their lives forever. Peace to you and your parents!!!!
  8. I never had you painted in my mind as a flower guy. Anyway..do you dry rub your ribs the night before smoking? I use a old friends recipe from a gal i knew from the bayou of Louisiana..Miss Billie Bon...she passed about a half decade ago....anyway,she turned me on to a vinegar and dry rub overnight in the fridge...low oven at 250 for about 1 hour.....then smoke/grill with hickory and apple chips. I continue to try new sauces...the plastic bottle store bought chain types don't get my buds hyped anymore...usually get a couple pints from Kentucky Greg's (tomato base). Enjoy the next few days...you deserve it! Peace. Sounds like he is just plain old tired. Sorry to hear he seems to be ill..
  9. He didn't get enough burn in yet.
  10. Your parents left Flushing for a swamp. I hope that decision was a wise one.
  11. I wouldn't start Allen this year.The current projected offensive line starting group could possibly one of the worst in the league. I'm willing to bite the bullet for a year so he can view the NFL game and stay healthy while doing so.Just my two cents worth...
  12. What's wonderful and happy about Monday? Your dates are confused.
  13. Gentleman...I need to get something off my chest.In late April,with all of my heart,I really felt we had a playoff caliber team. We have to face the facts now..we are a aged team...aged bodies mean more injuries throughout the dog days of the summer. I hate to say this...but I believe we have to sell the over priced former talent to the contenders.My opinion is a tough pill to swallow..I know that. But look at teams like the Astros and Braves. I say rebuild..it will take 3 years to do it..but isn't it worth it???? You fellas said you peace about Familia..I feel differently,but if we can get some rock solid double A talent for him..let Sandy pull the trigger.Expect some changes by the deadline...
  14. He is scheduled to pitch this week for LV.
  15. Imo,baseball is the greatest game ever created...constant skill vs skill levels...there is zero chance of hiding behind fellow teammates..
  16. That price seems fair since we are going into the third month of the season.My nug paid 80 back in March for the Mets games.
  17. Maybe it's just me but I see Conforto being satisfied with getting a walk,once again,he's missing putting the wood onto the ball when he gets that low pitch...he's second guessing himself for unknown reasons..slap it and put it into the opposite field is something that comes easy for him...if you noticed Gonz has been chatting with him on the bench a lot...I hope he isn't putting garbage in his head ...meaning "be a power hitter".
  18. Very nice win!!! Please let Callaway stick with the same line up tomorrow night,we need some consistency.This makes up for last night's "tooth pull".
  19. Our nug left for Virginia the week after his college graduation (6 years ago). My wife refuses to do anything to update his room..with the exception of doing the unslept in bedding once a month. Nobody has the balls to tell her she's looney,including me.
  20. Hang tough,there is no doubt we severely miss the threat that Frazier offers and of course Ces is sorely missed.I wake up every morning hoping for a positive update on the both of them...but it isn't happening. I refuse to say the ship is sinking just yet..... I remember you said you were concerned during TC time...I really hate to hear that he is still going downhill.It has to be but check time now....rehab or end up dead.
  21. I think it's high time to start blaming this line up of bats instead of the pitching staff. Talk about a skeleton crew!!!
  22. Exactly,kind sir. That's why I said I don't want to see him packaged for a #3/4.
  23. Interesting..that might be the reason why Smith lost some weight?
  24. If King Sandy decides to make a deal before the deadline,I pray to God he doesn't include Peter Alonso in a package.
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