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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. Reyes gets another start this afternoon (2b).
  2. He was playing with a tear in his shoulder for most of the year..at least he manned up and took the needle before games instead of asking to go to the IR.
  3. Yet Borenstein is still taking long bus rides out west.
  4. Since Cespedes signed that fat 4 year contract,he has played in just 50% of the games..can't blame Mick and Sandy for that.
  5. Are the Saints in our division?
  6. JL did a lot of acid to get Walrus done..it's one of my favorites that he gifted to us.
  7. Ray Laks Honda. I could care less..GM products only for my family.
  8. Beautiful! Nimmo is red hot....Bruce ,oh my,time for the lumberjack to be called up.
  9. If Bruce is going to get out of his slump,it starts tonight in the launching pad.Maybe my boy,Nimmo can give him a few pointers (joking).Great pitcher match up for us tonight...three in a row boys,bank on it.
  10. No...Kevin Lewandowski. MrBluesky is a ELO song.Nice game tonight...the winning streak starts now.
  11. Tell the young man Kevin from Buffalo says Congrats!! And there is no closing the books,he will remember this day forever and so will you.?
  12. Please explain the Conlon moves to me.
  13. We all know the players respect a guy that is currently in the front office...just saying.
  14. I love the pitch count for the young lads that are still growing their body parts.Far too many parents want their boys to be elite...at too young of a age. I saw it happen when my nug was in Babe Ruth. ..I wouldn't tolerate it and needed a face to face with his manager...in addition,it's so important for the kids to respect what a teammate means...every kid on the bench should see the field at some point in every game IMO.
  15. Wow...Conforto actually nailed his favorite pitch..going outside and heading low. Damn...it's not that difficult when you don't over think.
  16. Best of luck to him and his mates on Saturday morning!!! Self edit...I'm not with you fellas when it comes to trading both or either of our aces...no way,no how. You base a team around solid pitching. Just my two cents worth..
  17. I remember him signing off the broadcasts .... "You have been listening to the Buffalo Bills football network,SEE YOU...at the game".
  18. They need to string up fishing line at the base of the roof opening
  19. Sooner or later the true fan base is going to have to rip off the heart that we wear on our sleeves and admit this situation has become the blind leading the blind. Also...that grand slam was so darn avoidable.We know what those braves hitters are capable of...boom..right in the wheelhouse to a guy who loves it low and straight up.No excuse!!!!
  20. The only "beef" I have with Valu is the fact they have a limited paint/stain selection.
  21. My dad built a dry bar in the basement of our family home in '77 or so.It was stocked and stacked....he never once challenged or asked me about missing beers ..but I knew,he knew.I lost my virginity on the couch in the sitting room area..again,he knew...but he never told my mother (very strict catholic) because he knew I was leaving the aged childhood stage of life in exchange of becoming a young man. My pop was a cool dude,old school navy guy.He knew when to be a hard ass and he knew when to let things slide. You don't see much of that style of parenting happening these days...
  22. They bought Kelly's contract from LV,he's going to suit up tomorrow.This has to mean the end is very close for Reyes.
  23. They have cameras in the lot..but if you weren't injured then just chalk it up as a bad experience.
  24. And on national tv.
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