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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. Kind of like like alcohol,huh.
  2. Great point brought up on the postgame....where was Cespedes tonight? Something is up.
  3. It sure would be interesting to see how he would adapt to today's game....shifts,pitchers hitting 8th,starters throwing less,fewer stolen base attempts..etc.
  4. I was thinking interim.
  5. If they would do that I would imagine they would go with Disarcinia,who's a clone of Callaway.Bringing back Collins would sell seats...I would be all in on that move.
  6. He was a top ten first round future star that couldn't live up to the hype.Blevins is making 7 million a year...I would bet he would want that type of money starting next year...he's simply not worth it,much like Blevins isn't.
  7. But you could smell the place all the way over to Broadway and Bailey..and to the south at William and Bailey. The smell of deep fried onions and potatoes along with oven roasted meat 12 hours a day could and should get old?
  8. Most likely because your father is.
  9. People lived in the upper flats.
  10. Ducks blood for Czarnina is no longer available either,those days are long gone...these days they sell beet juice as the "gravy".I recall when my mom would buy a certain amount of meats and the butcher would give her free eggs and butter.70's.
  11. You served my mother and grandmother.
  12. RUSS Salvatore!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. It's fine now,that ring has been shut down since the late winter.One pimp from the city and a handful of young,trashy "girls" were arrested.Do you really think Russ would allow that type of activity to go on in his "front yard"....
  14. Some mid 70's hippie climbed a ladder and painted a R over the U .
  15. Cap,I'm sure you remember when Callaway was tooting his horn in ST...saying he had all of the raw tools and was looking forward to working with him.Within a week he sent him to Vegas. Dear god...half of the other teams lineups are triple A guys in ST games. I hate to turn your post into another Callaway bash but the facts should be made public. Chalk it up..Robles was another Mick project in the works that failed.sorry for the vent.
  16. I've decided to bail on the July 4th game in Toronto and I was really looking forward to it.Oh well...
  17. I would add Wheeler to the list along with Frazier....since we wouldn't be able to get more that a canned ham for Bruce,I think he stays?
  18. 100 %. spot on. He lacks upper body strength and it showed last year. He got shoved into the middle far to often because he couldn't shed off solid blockers,mostly TE's. I can easily see many teams playing two TE sets very often against us next year...both Milano and the aged Alexander can be exposed if opposing OC's due proper film study...And factor in Milano's nagging bad hamstring.
  19. If we would ever land him,I would consider us to be a playoff caliber team....no if's,and's or but's about it.
  20. I'll judge on past NFL play. Start with Mills and review the footage of the Chargers game last year.In addition,Miller was benched after the Cincinnati game because of his lack of bullish run blocking abilities.Talk to anybody that is a Bengals fan and they will tell you Bodine is a below average run blocker.Ducasse???? Dear God. The line is a mess just like the flanker positions are imo. We will have to bite the bullet this year and realize this current team,offensively,has some eye opening weaknesses.
  21. Sandy's in limbo because half of the "core" (Thor,Ces and Bruce) are not seeing the field on a daily/weekly basis.How can you read a book when half of the pages are missing?
  22. KD....when we were 100 % healthy we went 11-1 early on.The downfall started when we lost both of our catchers..the head scratching decisions Mick started making didn't help either.We can't cry over the spilled milk.Peace.
  23. Gug...this news should make you feel like a clam in high tide!! They brought up Kaczmarski....I would assume your boy Conforto will see some sitting time.I would have preferred Borenstein...oh well.
  24. Hang tough,Thor is tossing again and he said "" I'm throwing rockets out there".Also,Cespedes is running down in Fla. Sure...these are baby steps but at this point we need some positives to swallow.
  25. Gug...it's a day game after a night game.
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