The killer probably had a pair of those metal meat cutter gloves on his mits...people that work with raw meat everyday tend to drift off the map...visit a slaughter house..
I've been watching his numbers all year...he sure isn't skipping a beat after he went west from B-ton.Hey..his young body will give us some much needed range on that side...nothing against Cabbie..but the time is right..Cab aged this year (fielding).
There is a very wide cap between being a well educated millionaire and one that is a over paid,uneducated...... "Jock". Mark Cuban doesn't make mistakes for a reason.
I would change cheapest to quickest/easiest. I can order a turkey sub from mom and pop place for 7/8 bucks..but I'll have to wait 20-30 minutes for it.
We love that place,never had anything bad there.
But yet you eat Mighty Taco out there in Roch.
Oh no...those toxins sit in your gut longer than you think. Drink some prune juice if you want to clean the pipe lines.