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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. With the trio (Collins not included)we have acting as a GM right now,who really knows what will happen? It just might take one loose tire to stop the wheels from moving.I will say the group acted with some intelligence when they refused a Braves offer for Familia...the pot is too rich for a Wheeler move not to get done.He 's going to cost money next year...if the FO wanted a long term deal done..it would have been done,imo.
  2. I took that route until my sister committed suicide in January...now I call my family just to check in.Just before my father in law passed away in April,I would give him a shout out once every few days if i didn't get to see him. We got some good conversation in before he was top far gone to talk or even be aware of his surroundings.
  3. Solid place for food...glad you enjoyed it there. The GVP property is being turned into a warehouse and office building.From what I heard..the office building is going to look pretty snazy. The crews will work through the winter...
  4. Was the entire old Garden Village Plaza leveled? Last I heard..the old Hills was still standing.
  5. I would like to see McNeil.start at third tonight,it can't hurt.Just a quick FYI about him...he didn't play high school baseball. Another reason to watch....tonight will most likely be the end of Wheeler's career with us.
  6. I find the older I get,the more I just want to be left alone.Maybe your buddy is tired from his long work week and wants to kick it with his wife.Let him call you if he wants to hang...just let it go.
  7. The Tampa Bay Rays were originally called the Devil Rays...not sure why they were forced to make the name change.
  8. I want to see Murphy take some of the double teaming off of Hughes...if Murphy is fully recovered ,we should be pretty darn solid in the the pass rush department.
  9. You're lucky one of them didn't knife you in the parking lot.
  10. Pensacola Beach/Navarre/Destin is 5 star with white sand beaches...much like Aruba but without the wind. Nobody goes there to hang out in the "Historic City".
  11. I would like to know why Wahl pitched in just 13 games in all of 2017.He's 26 with a 5 yr minor league history. Only fans that put ketchup on their hot dogs would give Callaway another chance.I could spend 30 minutes writing a post about how he cost us games...it's almost laughable.
  12. Many across the states...especially in the deep south.If you have the balls to make 10 yrs...the pay goes up.Put 20 yrs in and you're gliding into 80k -ish and looking at a good nest to settle in ..but by that time,the brain has been fried.A old saying... "Getting old ain't for sissies" Nope...just last week in Buffalo,a 2yr old was beaten to death by his parents.That's just one example.
  13. My mother died at 47.
  14. I feel the same way about homicide detectives who make about 65k a year.
  15. I don't know what to say anymore...it's blow after blow after blow. Sandy made the right decision to exit stage left since all of this turmoil would have drained him dry.
  16. Guess who got the win in Oakland? But who's our Whaley? We have four sharing the job right now. Keith Hernendez... "I don't know what's going on".
  17. Don't forget about Mr.Info's offer.
  18. CH 7 has been covering the preseason games since the 70's.
  19. Remember those rules when you party it up with him and Icebowl67 in Green Bay.
  20. Tonight was the first night CH 7 started matching up this week's high temps with former Bills uniform numbers.It's on now.
  21. The call on Reyes was horrible..low and off the plate.Callaway should have been on that from the second Roessler opened up his mouth.It's the blind leading the blind in that dugout.
  22. Callaway should have taken the bullet for Roessler.No excuse. It's just a matter of time now..seems like it's been a very long time since Oakland was a buyer.
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