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Everything posted by Misterbluesky

  1. I agree Jacksonville shouldn't have a NFL team..but Toronto? The dome holds around 55k..and they struggled to sell out the Bills games. It would be awesome to bring back the Braves but w/the Captors so close,I'm not sure we would be able to make that work (Need support from Hamilton). I wish..I know they can expand the stadium but it's getting weather beaten.A new stadium would be a must.
  2. Marlins to Charlotte Rays to Indianapolis
  3. Inside the case of the Butchers Block? Thanks..I'll have my better half check that out this weekend. Thanks frost.
  4. I wish him well...hopefully he gets some rock solid ratings this year and will replace Booger McFarland on MNF in 2020.
  5. Not so much on a steak for me but love it in a beef burger.as the op/fergy brought up the skillet way of doing things...I thought of burgers. If I'm having a good day..home alone in the afternoon..I'll grab some ground beef from the freezer..mix in Worcestershire sauce and egg,bread crumbs..give it a fry..add sliced raw onion on a Kaiser roll..oh yes..that is living. It's big in southern Louisiana/bayou...I've had it in jambalaya before.. Pretty much like fish oil..with the anchovies in there.. My bride hates the stuff.
  6. Yes sir,solid idea with any produce that is totally edible. Even the shell of melons should be cleansed..the knife hits the dirty part before the "meat"
  7. Don't joke around..you and your hard ass buds from South Buffalo would have have hand delivered black eyes if you saw a dude walking the streets in sandals.
  8. Wouldn't matter to me but my bride buys the grass fed..chicken farm raised..Eggland's Best ..etc. I think it's a waste of money buying those "organic" types. Most of those types of products are "hogwash". farm raised chicken just means the 'birds " have access to fresh air..
  9. Aug..no Publix or Winn Dixie up here. 9.99 a pound= not grass fed?
  10. Love it..much healthier...but try to find it.
  11. Good traction..does the job if you use a public shower (campground).
  12. Agree on all your faves.. Thankfully you didn't bring up tartar sauce...same as putting ketchup/A-1 heinz57 on picture perfect steak imo.. Same with mushrooms on a steak..blah.
  13. once a year for us..turkey/duck fry. My old buddy in Alabama did catfish in his kettle all the time..it was great.
  14. I'm beginning to wonder if some of these guys don't take 'dude cruise"s together? "HAMMERS Lot" ...??
  15. Just Silly. Josh should be a man and not concern himself with nonsense like this. TC needs to start yesterday...
  16. Those shots in the gut hurt.
  17. Green's been on the trade block since the Carter administration..I actually had them as my sleeper pick to go to the Lombardi game last year...a very talented team is what they are but the sure do lack chemistry. Green is 30ish? I'd buy him for a third...
  18. Better than at halftime of a game.
  19. Good dude..reminds me of Eric.
  20. A very old group of Mohawks are buried next to the north section of the stadium.
  21. Yes sir..the Cindy Chan days, when Carl Russo was 18 ad Snortin Norton was cool. Also...I doubt we will try the BK taco...those pictures look pretty bad.
  22. I remember getting the 97 Rock bumper stickers from MT for free Bills and concert tickets They would announce your plate number/model,color of your ride over the air..which was kind of nuts... I never won.
  23. Sorry to hear that..just maybe they had problems with the system that day? Milt Northrop and Mike Robitaille are locals/staples there..they would have raised he'll if they weren't comfortable..ha. I hope you enjoyed the food,I've been there many,many times...Milt's wife sang happy birthday to me the way Marilyn Monroe did it.?
  24. Actually...we did a pretty solid job of shutting him down last year.
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