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Everything posted by Mrbojanglezs

  1. The left wing never accepts religious protests unless its Muslims, which is ironic because Sharia law is the opposite of what they believe in.
  2. In other words if you don't support disrespecting the flag on gold star mother's day we don't want you here
  3. Secondly today in America. If you don't share liberal views you are not allowed to speak at universities you are not allowed to speak your mind on Twitter and social media without being censored and banned, you can't be in Hollywood elite club etc. Liberals are the most intolerant to polictal discourse
  4. Trump is good at driving the news cycle with controversy. Majority of Americans agree with him on this issue.
  5. Because CNN and George Soros tells them they should be mad
  6. Black on black crime is the real nationwide epidemic. Yet noone talks about that
  7. The national anthem is a symbol of our country's sovereignty and Independence has nothing to do with social injustice the protest is stupid
  8. Because majority of Americans dont support disrespecting the national anthem
  9. The American people don't listen to Hollywood and their elitist bubble
  10. Liberals aren't happy until they reach their "Utopia" full blown communism then everyone is equal. Equally poor.
  11. Hard to have bad throws when you throw it 8 yards max. I could do that accurately
  12. How would we know if we don't try. I liked his over the middle quick throws in the preseason. On target and threw them open.
  13. He doesn't trust himself. A wr needs to be wide open for him to pull the trigger then he throws it behind him
  14. Peterman was accurate on the quick wide receiver slant routes during the preseason that is a throw the Tyrod can't make the difference is Tyrod is dumping it off to McCoy for losses instead of quick timing routes
  15. That was a tough catch. Would have been a freak catch if he pulled that in. Bad throw by tyrod
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