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Everything posted by Todd85

  1. Its more than just the "stomping" incident, he was arrested 1 year ago on drug charges and had his license suspended. Then 3 weeks ago got pulled over again for speeding with no license. Im just wondering how news of this didn't get out until after the bowl game. Since the school was just following trough with the earlier warning they gave him after the first arrest.
  2. Stange that the ESPN ticker would say D&C reports, but i wasnt't dreaming.
  3. can anyone link?
  4. Any input here would be helpful. Thanks.
  5. I don't know about the best, but i can tell you about the absolute worst! NORTH CAROLINA @ chapel hill is TERRRRIBLE! please let me rant: 1st the old crappy stadium right in the middle of campus with NO where to park (which is weird for me to be upset about because we were on a tour bus trip to the game and we STILL had to WALK four freaking blocks to the stadium!) Thats how bad the parking IS! 2nd so being said that there is no parking, hence forthe ZERO tailgateing which is a crime in my book, not one single person i saw had a beer or anything but we had a small cooler full of beers, when we finally got near the stadium we leaned up aginst trees to drink our beer and within 5 mins 3 diff groups of people told us it was illegal to have open containers near the stadium! we had no choice all we had was a cooler so luckly someone gave us some cups, talk about $hitty coulda gone to jail for drinking beer at a FOOTBALL GAME! 3RD: all 9,000 or so people who actually bothered to show up (holds 30,000) all got to the game exactly 15mins before kickoff which lead to a mad dash to the seats which didnt matter because the freaking stadium is DRY! no alcohol whatsoever i dont mean to sound like a raging alcoholic but damn i like to tip a few before a football game i think thats my right as an american! needless to say i'll never go back, EVER! thank goodness we kicked the crap outta them 34-0 i would've been very upset riding 400 miles going through all that and then lose
  6. section 134
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