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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. By the same logic, Cinci, Seattle, Baltimore, and 49ers should also be firing their HCs this summer. We could kick the tires, but by the same McD measuring stick, they are bums too.
  2. And you realize, then, that the only coaching answers are AR and BB? Because they’ve been the only coaches to consistently get there? I get McD isn’t perfect, and may never win a SB even with an elite QB. Shoot, it may take lighting in a bottle to get one, but fans complaints also explain 99% of the coaches out there. I get we likely need to move on, but this mindset that he is easily replaceable is baffling to me. As evident to…?
  3. Sweet me too. We haven’t been In mediocrity hell though.
  4. “Familiar with his thinking” sure sounds like bleeping speculation to me.
  5. To be fair, I’d wager the overwhelming majority of fans feel this way about their HC.
  6. I don’t believe any “leaked” report because this organization is tight lipped, but I stand by saying this is a bad summer to need a HC. I highly doubt he’s fired barring a 6-8 win season. I can believe that Pegs 100% doesn’t want to fire him though.
  7. Correct, but the original point was players are allowed to take care of their bodies/minds/spirits. Another poster made comments expressing disagreement that players get 4 days off during a bye week and used the value of a contract for reasons why they shouldn’t. That sparked the comments from some of us.
  8. Yes, and I totally get it, but from a team perspective no. Cut him now, he gets his money. Suspend him indefinitely and wait to release him until the NFL suspends him officially under the PCP and he doesn’t get his money.
  9. Let alone the stress/trauma caused to the fetus during that whole ordeal.
  10. Even just the “they were rich, what did they have to be depressed about” mindset baffles me.
  11. True, but Allen’s INT numbers aren’t drastically worse than his pass-attempt peers. Sadly this bad season has inflated his numbers. His TO numbers have been inflated due to a large about of lost fumbles, which is down to 3 this year (and still somehow leads the NFL). It sounds so lazy, but I really feel after listening to countless breakdowns… Allen’s TO issues are largely bad luck. I can’t even think of the last dropped INT.
  12. Isn’t it amazing that if someone makes a lot of money, somehow their mental health/physical health/wellbeing is somehow less important than someone who is ‘normal.’ In this case, all in the name of entertainment. Crazy and fascinating. I tried. Longed on during lunch for the hell of it.
  13. I think AH is why there are now COC clauses in player contracts.
  14. Allen actually has a very low fumble total, but most have been recovered by the defense. That freaking sucks. I think it’s 4 (middle of the pack for QBs) and lost 3, (which leads the NFL).
  15. I know but someone is going to read that and twist your words lol
  16. For sure, that’s a sworn statement too. So like, legal issues if the medical staff lied.
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