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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. Input from your QB is a bad thing? You fit the scheme to the players, not the other way around. Bills offensive scheme will be vastly different in 2024, the DaBoll style is officially gone (not that it was a bad offense)
  2. I said this in another post: Joe Brady ran a Ken Dorsey modified version of Brian DaBoll’s offense. If Brady gets the job he’ll do his own thing, which is what Dorsey should have done.
  3. I also don’t think it’s a stretch to say, barring any additions to the team trophy case, 2024 is McD’s final season. Anyone who wants to be a HC will want to be the OC here, and that’s honestly the type I hope we look for.
  4. I don’t think Josh threw 18 picks because he was in his comfort zone, I think the opposite is true. My biggest concerns with Brady are the lack of production from everyone but Shakir and Kincaid, and the steep decline in playaction, which unlocks a whole level of elite Josh Allen play.
  5. I do love how this “NO JOE BRADY” narrative is now going around given that A) it should be Joe Brady and B) it very likely will be Joe Brady. The complain train is playing chess while we all play checkers.
  6. Joe Brady would be a different playbook. He ran the offense that Ken Dorsey installed last summer.
  7. Did great things at the college level, went to Carolina where his QBs were Sam Darnold and Old Cam Newton and was fired after a year and a half.
  8. OC for the Bills is actually a REALLY good spot. I think guys will come out of the woodwork.
  9. Reading on my lunch break is the best part of my day as well, I totally get that! I’ve been working at replacing “mindlessly scroll FB reel time” with “read time.” I’ve also found reading before bed helps settle my mind. Except “IT,” that just brings effed up dreams…
  10. Anyone care to guess what NFL awards and the show “Who’s line is it anyways?” Have in common? The outcome doesn’t matter and the points are made up.
  11. What’s everyone reading? I’m a little half way through ‘The Hobbit,’ I read the first LoTRs in Highschool, but that’s when reading was a chore and I didn’t enjoy it. I’ve always been an off and on reader, I worshiped those Harry Potter books growing up, but I would fail to find anything to really grasp my interest as well. Since 2016 I was slowly working through the ‘Dark Tower’ series, but would take weeks-to-months longs breaks before finishing. I really recommitted to it half way through 2022 when on vacation in Salem and found a really cool looking book at one of their famous book shops, called “The Blade Itself.” I was HOOKED, wound up finishing 10 books in 2022, 13 in 2023, and started 2024 off strong. Definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made was to get back into reading. I can’t be the only one, right?
  12. Just lost my wife’s grandfather to that disease, it’s sad to see how stress can rapidly trigger its progression.
  13. Josh should have had better pocket awareness and sensed the pressure, but that split second it takes to shuffle the window for the pass may have been much tighter. I have zero issues with the call, the play was designed to be a TD.
  14. Brady to OC, Babs to DC (or he’s leaving). Smiley gets one more season.
  15. Tre White’s recovery is the wildcard. He should be back in October, Benford isn’t starting over him. Benford has the talent and tools to be an elite safety. His shortcoming also are hid better at safety.
  16. He clearly wasn’t going through the motions, I think he hit his wall. Physically spent for the season. He certainly looked it.
  17. Easy. 150+ targets the last 3 years is a LOT of wear and tear on the body, it caught up at the end of the year. I’m sure he will be good to start the year, but Bills should definitely spread it out more. 31 is too old for 150 targets a year.
  18. Catches just under 70% of passes thrown his way, consistent production. Injury issues in 20 and 21 but has stayed decently healthy in 22 and 23.
  19. If White is still on the roster, Benford is depth. He is a phenomenal tackler with ball skills (talking Benford). Give me a healthy Tre White as CB2, Benford at FS, Duggers at SS. Elam and Jackson the primary backups at CB.
  20. I’m no football fundamental expert, but I would think the techniques are different. Elam could transition to safety rather nicely.
  21. Elam would be experimental, Benford would be an elite safety. All depends on Tre White and his recovery/willingness to take a pay cut. If White isn’t on the active roster, Douglas and Benford will be the starting CBs. I am super interested to see Elam get some reps at FS this summer, though.
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