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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. This another Ryan Bates variant?
  2. Not sure the cause of death, but I see so many guys saying/feeling like no one cares about how they’re doing. I’ve been guilty of this as well. I just want to say this isn’t true, there are people out there who care, even if you don’t realize it. Men’s mental health needs to be more openly talked about and the stigmas need to go away, but it starts with us. We need to be the change we want to see. Check in with your dads, check in bros, and check in with your dudes. Fight the stigma that no one cares. Fight the stigma that depression looks sad and lonely, check in with your golden retriever friends/family too.
  3. One time, back in like 2009, I made a fake ESPN text alert on my flip phone that KC traded for Jay Cuter. My coworker was a die hard KC fan and went around telling EVERYONE that they landed Cutler, he was pumped.
  4. As do I
  5. He didn’t actually sign here, it was just a very elaborate, drawn out prank. That’s long term story telling, folks.
  6. A wise man once said “*^%# Antonio Brown”
  7. Low miles too, might be 31 but he didn’t play from 25-27.
  8. Complain about the DT signings all you want, but who else will the rookies compete with?
  9. It’s funny, I don’t outright dislike Zach Wilson the player, but that may be due to him beating us a few times.
  10. It’s so weird to see ‘born: 1992’ and think ‘sweet, he’s young,’ and then see ‘Age: 31’ and be momentarily confused.
  11. He’s a really good RB when healthy. That was a major concussion he suffered and just had a child. Happy retirement to him, I was always a fan and was pumped when we signed him.
  12. My couch is much cheaper
  13. Yup, he’s just a Miami fan living out a dream. We’d all do the same thing, given the chance.
  14. He wouldn’t be able to return until after June 1st, I assume. I imagine they’d give him a 1 year prove it deal
  15. More rules = more control as well
  16. For clarification: Players are still permitted to hip-drop tackle their significant others.
  17. Legend has it he named the stadium after his dad, that’s why it wasn’t Ralph Wilson Jr Stadium If I recall, this wasn’t true. He let the team go to the highest bidder, who was Pegs. Johnny Bonny Jovi wanted to move the team and actively tried to acquire them. I’m sure he was a nice guy in his personal life, but let’s not pretend he wasn’t a 💩 owner, especially once he hit 75+.
  18. Congrats to him on being a future uncle!
  19. I would absolutely LOVE to see Tre White return. Even if he’s ever only 80% what he was, that’s still an incredible cornerback.
  20. Definitely much better DT depth than Settle. I suspect they look to the draft for DT4
  21. The good news is we rotate so much we can get away with an older guy. Sign a backup for Oliver and draft a backup for DQ.
  22. Not really, they do like to meet with guys who they’ll target in FA in 3-4 years though
  23. Well I look forward to him signing here when he’s 30 lol
  24. For those too lazy, Josh talks about how he used to train like he was in OTAs year round. He said that given how he plays the QB position, he’s found given his body time to rest before actual OTAs start has worked for him. In his opinion, going into year 6, he believes the rest actually helps his body stay healthier. He still would work out and throw enough to maintain, and would keep his weight between 238-244. He said his strength coaches won’t be happy, but the last 2 years he did minimal prior to OTAs, and actually did better in the conditioning tests than when he was younger.
  25. Bingo. Can’t get younger and cheaper without getting younger and cheaper.
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