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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. Mad? No. Quite sane. Just annoyed. Disgusted. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t let complete and total dipsh!ts bother me, but alas, I must be having an off day. In truth, I’d rather be ‘mad’ than ignorant. ✌️
  2. One was bit in the face, she had to have surgery and will have scars. One was bit in the hand and has nerve damage from it. I’m leaving out details, but let’s say this situation was seconds from turning out much worse for all parties involved. Are you eating food? It’s probably just hungry. Thankfully it isn’t a chichi, you’d be in mortal danger.
  3. I get it, when I worked for a my vet, I was nearly attacked by a rotty. This 100 pound woman comes in double fisting dog chain link leashes. 85 pound Rottweiler on one, 70 pound husky on the other. The husky was anxious, which got her rotty going and they both started feeding off each other and she wouldn’t/couldn’t control either one. My back was to a wall, I was completely cornered for a split second and the dog lunged at me, sending the woman for a ride the dogs nose made contact with my hand (left a wet spot) meaning he kept his head level, like a shark. Had he turned his head like a t-Rex, he easily would have gotten my hand in his mouth. He would have done considerable damage, and given the high stress situation with the owner and housemate, I have absolutely no doubt the husky would have joined in and the rotty likely would have went at me again. Somehow the dog missed and I was able to spin through a door, but I tell you my face was complete white and that experience rattled me. I love dogs, but I trust no dog that I don’t know and I fully trust none other than the 5 that are in my immediate family. Every dog is dangerous, any stranger dog can kill you, a child, or a pet. Stranger danger doesn’t just apply to humans.
  4. Mods won’t shut it down (duplicate threads about a backup QB are no-no, but this thread is fine somehow) and it’s the top topic on this sub-board, so I’ll play along among some brutally ignorant comments. Pitbull is not actually a breed of dog, it’s an umbrella term that covers 4-5 different breeds. Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier to name a few. There are also actually 12 “bully” breeds, dogs bred to do the same type as work often stereotyped for Pitts. In the 70-80s, they became popular for blood sports but historically have been used on farms. They are not aggressive by nature, but they are highly protective animals. They are also highly loving, have been referred to as ‘nanny dogs.’ 1 in every 20 dogs in America can classify as a pitbull mix, and it’s the #1 most abused dog in the world. At one shelter, they tested the DNA of their ‘pit bulls’ and found that they actually had less than 50% of the ‘Pitbull’ mix DNA, but they were all still incorrectly labeled as ‘Pitbulls’ (which technically, is always incorrect). Most dogs, I’d wager, are actually muts/mixes. I get it, the big bad Pitbull leads dog bites (72% of ALL dog attacks are males that are not neutered). When you realize that ‘Pitbull’ is a blanket term that covers 4-5 breeds, of course those numbers are high. These lists don’t compile Sheppard breeds or retrievers, just bull-terrier types. How about we stop using dogs for security, and get our pets spayed/neutered? You want to cut down on dog bites/attacks, that’s how you do it. This thread struck a nerve with me, congrats. I think I’ll go wrestle my family ‘pitbulls’ this weekend.
  5. Seriously? SHUT. THIS. *****. DOWN. The notion that certain breeds of dogs are ‘more dangerous’ than others is absurd and ignorant. Most ‘bad’ dogs are the direct products of far worse owners. Most ‘dog people’ barely give a true thought to the psychological changes a dog can go through due to suffering and take any steps or given any real thought into what environmental triggers might be in the new surroundings. Some dogs/animals can be born with screws loose (just like people), but the arrogance, incompetence, and ignorance of people handling them create so much of these tragedies and often the people are never held accountable. Sometimes ***** just happens. I have 2 direct family members who have been seriously injured from unprovoked attacks from golden retrievers. This thread is pathetic, and I find it absolutely DISGUSTING that the openly discussed euthanasia of an entire breed of dog has been on this MB for over 24 hours. I am legitimately disappointed in Two Bills Drive. If I sound pissed off by the topic of killing off Pitty breeds, it’s because my family has two of them. Great dogs from a great home. Maybe I’m onto something? So yea, screw this thread, @SDS @Hapless Bills Fan @Simon and friends please shut this down. Signed, A dog dad.
  6. Comments on this thread is likely why he said “f@&$ the fans.” If he walked through the door ya’ll be falling over yourself like Swifties. You hate Diggs because he won’t play with reporters, you hate Dawkins because he does play with reporters. 🤦🏻🤦🏻
  7. 6’5” 240, yeah, probably not a guy to get in a fist fight with. Took 3 guys to kind of hold him back.
  8. Would anyone else be low key interested in a Hard Knocks style, BTS documentary on the drought? Any behind the scenes stories/video would be absolutely fascinating.
  9. This will turn into a McD bash thread, but I have no issues with his answers. Felt like something other than coach talk.
  10. Jeremy Chinn is interesting for me. He is a super athlete and not a bad safety at all, coming off an injury plagued 8-game season. He definitely hasn’t had the career to warrant big money, he could blow up with McD.
  11. Except for apparently if you spend too much time on a MB, your kids will be born with an innate ability to navigate and operate it lol
  12. That’s amazing and I think this post should be pinned for that reason alone!
  13. Pittman would be such an amazing pickup, not really that ‘burner’ but an all around great WR. Had a drop rate of 1.3% last year and over 100 catches 🤯 We would have to clear 60+ million to make it happen, but still.
  14. It does annoy me to no end that we drafted/developed him and now he’s gone. Even if he wanted to come back, he’s the backup behind Von Miller. EDIT: Likely gone, these stories are false more than they are true.
  15. He also got hurt. I think they restructure and commit longer, he’s a good player and a solid TE1b
  16. Who won that trade? Who TF do you think won that trade? Made that S&$@ up.
  17. Huge news, puts us at maybe 43 over the cap? We can work with that. We will be around 20 over after Allen restructures.
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