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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. Likely more money than the Bills wanted to commit to the 4th WR.
  2. With only 1-2 spots open for the 53, I think we are good with what we have.
  3. Giving people an opportunity isn’t a poor life strategy. Being given an opportunity also doesn’t mean they get a clean slate or leeway either. It’s what I do for a living. The one person who takes advantage usually helps make up for the 9 that don’t though. If Claypool is lazy, or an issue, he’ll be gone quick.
  4. Peak prime? Mario Williams (remember when he scoop slammed a RB) Eric Moulds Honorable Mention: Lee Evans and Jarius Byrd. The amount of people saying Mario Williams makes we think a group therapy session is needed.
  5. I think Smoot and Jones should outright make this roster.
  6. No help to Tua throwing into double coverage, but that’s what I’ve heard with him. If Claypool doesn’t think the ball is coming, his effort tanks.
  7. My money is on Hyde quietly semi-retiring, but then rejoins the team on the practice squad late in the season. Game day active for the playoffs.
  8. Didn’t you already start this thread like 3 months ago? If Steelers want Hamlin, they’ll just wait to sign him when he’s cut in August.
  9. Contracts can always be adjusted, happens all the time. Maybe he takes a big jump in 2024 and we have to talk about how underpaid he is.
  10. Hindsight is always 20-20. Bass didn’t give anyone any reason to think he wouldn’t continue his upward trajectory in 2023. He was an 87% kicker the previous 2 seasons and started 9-9 this year before the wheels feel off. What caused those wheels to fall off is a much more interesting conversation that likely is deeper than ‘bAsS SuCks” in my opinion. The reality is: Weeks 1-5 he was 9-9 on FGs Weeks 6-7 he was 1-4 on FGs Weeks 8-11 he was 6-6 on FGs. Week 12 he was 2-4 on FGs. Weeks 13-17 he was 6-6 on FGs. Two Playoff games 2-5 on FGs. Bass was streaky but had plenty of good in 2023.
  11. Things were off for Bass for sure last year, but abandoning a guy for 1 so-so season is bonkers.
  12. It’s going to be a few years before we know what was a Lamborghini, what was a Subaru WRX , and what was a VW Beetle with a Lamborghini body kit.
  13. I’d be good with either a Lamborghini or Ferrari
  14. Deion Jones career highlights up to Carolina Chase Claypool 2022 highlights
  15. Smoot mic’d up. No highlight videos of the guy, but he was a real good rotational player before his Achilles injury 2 years ago.
  16. Because Tom Brady roasted us far more than we will be able to roast him.
  17. “True Bills fan wouldn’t” is the biggest line of BS I’ve heard in a while. Meeting the GOAT would be cool as heck.
  18. Highly doubt it, Von would have to buy out every #40 jersey.
  19. 83 is Tre McKinny, TE.
  20. Sorry for that epic typo, I didn’t even notice lol
  21. And only lived to 30 like real men!
  22. Thanks! I haven’t seen them posted! *Woah typo.
  23. My money with Hyde is he returns late in the season on the practice squad and they are basically expecting this and doing him a solid.
  24. RAS without full data is pointless. I hate it when they skip the agility drills.
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