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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. It makes since, he’s a good RB who can still be elite, young, affordable contract. They won’t move him unless it largely benefits themselves.
  2. Lol she may want to pick players who aren’t out for the season. He’s going to miss significant time with a quad injury, he just had surgery.
  3. Don’t play with my emotions. Edit** For some reason I thought he was really good, dude is a RB2 here, maybe RB3.
  4. There is some relevance as to why Bills fans should care, even if only from a football perspective. Terry is in his 70s. It’s not crazy to say Kim, who’s much younger, could be the sole owner some day. If Kim isn’t in the ownership picture, it changes how long we may have stable, very good ownership. A team is only as good as it’s owner. Obviously, 99.99% of us care about Kim’s health primary because we are empathetic and she seems like a really good person. (Not saying you aren’t an empathetic person, btw, that was worded weird)
  5. There’s also lockers in the middle so a coach needs to move around to address the whole team🤣 With a shady guy in the corner with a bow saw
  6. Our rookie CBs held up well, theirs might too.
  7. I just want the Bills to be able to prove to be their equals annually. Pretty sure Allen is 1-3 vs Patrick.
  8. Decent RBs are a dime a dozen. Good RBs are common. Game Changers are rare.
  9. Wasn’t he on a 1 year contract before he was released?
  10. The dude is only 26, dang.
  11. We’ve seen Hero Ball Josh, Sugar High Josh, and Prime Time Josh. Today we met God Mode Josh
  12. God Mode Josh Allen
  13. Not to mention he’s been called in to help block
  14. Hmmm 2nd best, of 2, means he’s in last place.
  15. They need to see how he looks first, and he’d need to improve his tackling. Benford, Johnson, Jackson all could get looks at Safety this summer. Personally I think Taron Johnson would be an elite one.
  16. Pro football reference has him at 97 yards allowed, which is still very good. Link
  17. No, he isn’t expected to be cleared until Nov/Dec I think
  18. This is literally the first time he’s ever missed a game.
  19. Tre White Watch has officially begun, right?
  20. I’ve been insanely unimpressed with Crowder.
  21. I wonder if trying to get back in the game did more damage to it.
  22. He’s not overpriced and ultimately disappointing!
  23. I’d be pumped to see Justin Zimmer back!
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