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Everything posted by TheyCallMeAndy

  1. Unclear, the article says he did but doesn’t show any quotes.
  2. Unless they think he’s innocent, there’s that part too.
  3. “The lawsuit states” isn’t proof, thats speculation. The next quote confirms nothing. Why not quote the part where he admits it?
  4. Your missing the human aspect of this. You cut a kid because he was accused, that will speak volumes to agents. You have to do the due diligence.
  5. Could be, she could also be trying to rile up public opinion to apply pressure to make them settle.
  6. I 1000% understand where you are coming from, putting him on leave makes more sense than cutting. For all we know the team has already investigated. Teams know shakedowns happen, A LOT. Vets usually sit with rookies and have that talk with them. The timing of this is very telling.
  7. They aren’t risking their image for a developing rookie punter. If there is evidence she’s telling the truth that he was involved in a gang rape he’s done.
  8. Cut anyone who’s accused is a good way to run an organization…
  9. Again remember there are two parts in this that appear to be separate: 19 hooking up with JD who wound up being underage. The gang rape that allegedly happened after. One can be true, both, or neither.
  10. Unless she’s trying to rile up the public so he just settles with her to make it all go away. A TV interview would do that. If there are inconsistencies with her story she’ll lose, she’s hoping for a settlement. I wonder how much she’s suing for?
  11. The cases are not the same and Watson was found guilty of nothing technically.
  12. The lawyer will defend Matt, the lawsuit will not. Gotta just wait for the police, none of us were there.
  13. No *****, of course the lawsuit which is 1 sided will make it sound cut and dry lol
  14. Doesn’t sound like he’s being accused of the gang rape, just that he had sex with someone who wound up being under age. Same thing happened to Mark Sanchez and nothing happened.
  15. Yikes. The “call rape because their millionaires” thing is real, but so is “college athletes above the law” thing. We must, must, must wait for ALL the details and jump to no conclusions.
  16. Translation: I am considering their offer but am curious as to what other offers I may get.
  17. Hell yes, I’m so excited to see what happens with Spencer Brown
  18. Cody Fords comments on Kromer actually add context to when Mongo said they didn’t value OL. Everyone assumed he meant individual players, and it sounded crazy considering they’ve signed and extended several. I think he actually meant development, as it sounds like Bobby Johnson was just not a good coach, and the guy he replaced was even worse.
  19. Mega extension on the works for Blackshear
  20. No surprise Allen won’t play this week after being benched after just 3 passes last week. - Thad Brown, probably.
  21. I think they have to wait until at least after the preseason, otherwise his contract is guaranteed. I fully expect him to sign here though, he’ll be ready by December
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