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Starr Almighty

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Everything posted by Starr Almighty

  1. Why do you call him Treadmill that would be a horrible 1st name ?
  2. I'm sure all the dumb duplicate threads are started by only old BBMB members
  3. 4 minutes...if this doesn't happen till 401pm does Tipster still get the credit?
  4. NFL Network analyst Mike Mayock said all 32 NFL teams were represented in some form.
  5. Murphy, 26, was slated to miss the first four games of the season for violating the NFL’s policy on performance-enhancement drugs. He will serve the suspension, despite the injury, forfeiting four game checks totaling $185,315 of his $787,591 base salary in 2017.
  6. I was just about to post these same exact words. Once I read blue collar and lunchpail Kelsay came to mind
  7. I think Cutler will take Romos spot in the booth and Romo will be a Bill?
  8. Now he can be the fins next Wed Weller type oh....wait
  9. Just offer him $200.00 an hour and get him signed already. Unless they want to upgrade then you gotta pony up.
  10. Shady wears 25 Gaines wears 28 like the guy in the pic
  11. Dont need an offensive line if you have a QB that gets it out quickly ????
  12. Out of all of your reasons. I agree most with this one one your list
  13. He's not that bad. I mean every player throws the refs flag into the stands every now and then.
  14. Kirk Cousins Mckinnon/Hill Chris Hubbard Andrew Norwell Colvin Gaines Draft Vea/Phillips and Jewell/ scales and get a speed WR in the later rounds. I would be ok with drafting a running back in the 3rd or later and forgetting about signing Mckinnon or Hill as well.
  15. Here's who I would like to sign off this list Kirk Cousins Mckinnon/Hill Chris Hubbard Andrew Norwell Colvin Gaines Draft D line and linebackers and get a speed WR in the later rounds. I would be ok with drafting a running back in the 3rd or later and forgetting about signing Mckinnon or Hill as well.
  16. I think Tyrods career from here on out will be like Ryan Fitzpatrick's assuming the Bills cut him.
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