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Starr Almighty

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Everything posted by Starr Almighty

  1. 19 yards at halftime. He can't be stopped! You can only hope to contain him
  2. I didn't read anything but the title to the thread, but that Polian guy was the worst. I hated the extended seasons with playoffs and Superbowls. I'm only in this for 16 games anything after that is overkill.
  3. Playoffs ?? I'm sure you meant Superbowl. After all they will be the #1 seed easy
  4. I can't read your reply must of got picked off?
  5. Playoffs.. Now that's silly. Anyone with 2 eyes can see it's Superbowl time for the Browns
  6. Remember that time the Jets lost to the Browns and gave them their 1st win since 2016, and then a random Jet fan came on the board to trash talk. I remember.
  7. Nothing worse than being compared to Denney or Kelsay
  8. I for one really enjoyed last week's broadcast. After each play they broke down what Allen did right or wedding and how he could correct it. I love it, they even went John Madden on us and circled things on the screen all day.
  9. Cut it out. You are being so ridiculous. Have some faith. There's no way it'll be that close.
  10. But if I got my Nina, then you know I'm straight trippin??? couldn't resist
  11. You must of missed the over 200 yards part of the comment?
  12. Remember when only the road team wore white...
  13. I wanted to bring those guys in too. I am starting to think something may be wrong with all of them. The entire league is in need of oline and nobody is calling them.. Makes you wonder ?
  14. I'm quite surprised Nate is running away with this....who would of thunk it?
  15. No cause they arent bring Dez in you are ??
  16. If YOUR goal is to have a collection of slow WRs that can't get seperation, then I agree bring in Dez. He fits in with your plan.
  17. How that end for them? Asking for a friend
  18. I think he can make it through waivers twice, but only cause he is not very good.
  19. "Ask not for whom The Turk tolls. He tolls for thee."
  20. I don't like Holmes and want him out. I also know the team doesn't care who I like and he will be staying lol
  21. I can barely read my screen that box is so funny, I'm literally in tears. I haven't laughed this hard in years this is hilarious!! I wet and poopedmy pants. This great. - Disclaimer I wasn't impressed by this at all. Perhaps if you smear sauce on the box and eat it, it would taste better than the play-doh inside
  22. I never said I didn't like the players I spoke on their production, which lacked greatly
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