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Starr Almighty

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Everything posted by Starr Almighty

  1. Come on he's the bagger at register 3 at the Walmart. You know him Steve.
  2. I tell you this when The Pegula's, stadium designer and I sat down I did bring it up. All of us believed it was obvious that the lost was because of the wind. So yes the wind affected the planning for this stadium. 😏
  3. You chose to post a pic of a guy not on the team and forego our very own Legend EJ Manuel ?
  4. I prefer Luke Kuechly who used to play for Carolina and was alot better than AJ Klein 🥸🥸🥸
  5. After reading the title to this thread. I am left wondering a few things. 1. Why is one Bill playing the entire Rams team? 2. Which Bill are we sending to attempt this amazing feat?
  6. Never root for Dallas, as a Bills fan it is in our DNA.😂 Unless of course the Cowboys win gives Bills home field in playoffs or playoffs in general. Or knocks out Chiefs or other nemesis out of playoffs.
  7. Or prior to completion of the stadium 😂 Can we just accept that he lied we weren't close
  8. They were $600 each. They are explaining why he declined a pay cut with Denver. He had to pay for these somehow. Let's talk Edmunds for 8 days 😂😂
  9. And I'll follow up with a thread to counter that one "Edmunds is going to suck this season because... " Nobody has ever done the double opposing thread bit before.
  10. Still can't believe we cut Star. The team still has not been able to replace that elite level of laziness to date.
  11. He didn't call the Bills lawyer a class act? And then said they had their heads in the sand? Please interpret that correctly for me.
  12. Just a reminder. This is a football team not a Police Department. The actual Police and DA haven't come to a conclusion to what really happened 10 months later. But somehow you want a room full of football guys to have all the answers. They knew he was accused of something and tried to figure out if it was true or not with their limited resources to do so. Because again this is a football team.
  13. You mean this guy? He contradicts himself every other post. I don't know what did and did not happen but I know this guy is a bad lawyer.
  14. It would be unfair to the entire team having to field questions about this for an entire season. It would also be unfair to the fanbase having to hear about this after every game as well.
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