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Starr Almighty

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Everything posted by Starr Almighty

  1. Mine hasn't worked for weeks 🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. Get this cold water out of here. I don't care about facts. 😂😂
  3. Doesn't he have to be in the building first? 🤔
  4. You said this same nonsense yesterday and I posted stats to prove this to be incorrect. Yet here we are with you repeating it
  5. Tatum got hurt on the 1st play and was invisible for the rest of the game. I don't know how hurt he was but he didn't attempt to play threw it and packed it in... That essentially ended the game
  6. Wow this is bad 177 819 4.6 5 vs.160 703 4.4 5 Ploddings best vs Devin's best 202 929 4.6 15 vs. 188 870 4.6 7
  7. Do you mind sharing what injury he's coming off of? And when exactly did he get injured. I'd like to let him know he's hurt cause I'm sure he's also not aware of this injury, with the rest of us
  8. Keyshawn was never great. He believed he was in his mind but he wasn't. When the Bills played the Jets I never thought about him
  9. I have a question for those that don't want him. Why does it matter if he goes to KC? He must not be good for you don't want him on your team.
  10. He stops the double teaming of our best player. That alone is huge.
  11. Like the title says. Thanks in advance I'd love to take the family to this one.
  12. 64 rec 717 yards 11.2 avg 3 TDs This includes missing 6 games and not having a starting QB for 2 games. I get you don't like him but he's not washed up.
  13. So these moves didn't make them reach the Big game?
  14. you were saying 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. "@DeAndreHopkins there is a spot right next to me in the locker room #YouAlreadyShnow see u soon," Dawkins tweeted. It's been deleted not sure anyone posted this yet 👀👀👀
  16. I'm sure she's beautiful with the lights off Edit: Do I find her to be ugly or hideous not at all. She is not my type although she is pretty. She doesn't wow me but that doesn't matter she wows Josh and that's what is important. My reply was a joke reply to the downgrade comment. Can't believe this needs explaining but here we are 🤦🏻‍♂️
  17. "I'm trying to play as long as I can so I did my research and studied some of the best people that work on the human body, and Toronto has some of the best people, so I'm up here right now, getting the body examined to where I can go out and perform my best," he said. I want him too, but this is why he's in Toronto
  18. He calls Russ Brandon of course he's been running the Bills for the last 23 years
  19. Are you selling the Giants game? I'm interested in those
  20. 14 career sacks in 4 seasons. Hasn't played since 2018. Time to wait and see
  21. I would of posted this in the Watson speeding thread since they were both extremely late
  22. Their opponent is the reason they are on
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