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Buffalo ill

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Everything posted by Buffalo ill

  1. I didn't realize he is 79. The dude looks great.
  2. They should try partnering with the nfl to market themselves as a farm league for the nfl. Maybe even as a trial league for rule changes before they are applied to nfl games. Make the refs full time between the leagues to work on improving the quality of officiating too.
  3. Depending on the area it is either the same/don't notice or different and worse. It's hard to explain the scent of black liquor from the wood digestion process. The best smelling place in the mill is probably where we make chlorine dioxide. For the most part that building smells like a swimming pool.
  4. Working 12-16 hr shifts in a paper mill gives me little sympathy for someone who burns through nfl paychecks or lottery winnings. I do sympathize with him for the injury.
  5. Not being a native to Buffalo I was deeply saddened to find out the super special buffalo wings just use Frank's sauce. What a letdown. Might as well use Heinz 57. I'll eat a thigh 10/10 times if given the option of a franks wing vs a plain thigh.
  6. I suppose that could be true. Maybe it's just a vocal minority of foreigners who cherish the opportunity to crap on US football while talking about how much better football (soccer) is. In any case, the product on field in these overseas games seems to suffer. Maybe there is an international market for poorly played nfl football.
  7. If the dolphins game is win and Buffalo is in the playoffs, and the Bills lose in a lifeless fashion like the Bengals playoff game.... We would need to fire everyone, tear down the current and under construction stadiums, and tar and feather nick wright, just because.
  8. The post is literally titled "what more can allen do" but when throwing 0 vs 1 int is mentioned half the message board starts smearing poo on the walls. There needs to be an AI remake of the "leave Britney alone kid" video, but for Josh Allen. With that said, he had a good overall game and the coaching/defense let the team down, again.
  9. Anyone who thinks the defense didn't let the team down by giving up 37 has odd standards for what good defense is.
  10. Barry Sanders or Bo Jackson would have ran for 300 yards/game if they played for the 90's cowboys.
  11. Every franchise qb in the modern era not named Andrew Luck.
  12. Trust me, nobody loathes California as much as people who live in western states, but not on the coast.
  13. Isn't NY a socialist state that taxes most of it's workers paychecks?
  14. Living in the past is silly. Any superbowl from more than 10 years ago is irrelevant. Really 5 years may as well be the cutoff for relevancy.
  15. Yeah but they also had shorter seasons in the medieval times.
  16. In regards to the link on the first page, anyone who posts Nick Wright articles should be banned from the forums. I won't even quote a post with a link to him in it.
  17. Being that I don't want to pay for 300 channels I don't watch, I cut the cable a decade ago. Only NFL I watch are Bill's games when CBS shows them locally (paramount plus) and the superbowl.
  18. Also, team names don't have to be themed after the state. I'm willing to bet you don't see many Lions in Detroit, Bengals in Cincinnati, Rams in LA (or St Louis), etc.
  19. The Idaho "Go home, Californians" is an appropriate name.
  20. Just because Josh likes Ken doesn't mean he is suited for the OC job.
  21. This is weak and dumb. They should have stopped with head shots and left everything else alone. At this point they are desecrating the corpse of my once beloved game.
  22. He can easily be defeated using Magnet Man's weapon.
  23. The lifeless blowout loss to the Bengals in Buffalo broke me. I don't have to explain the number of gut punches a Bills fan since the late 80s has taken. You all know the moments. Last season's finale was the tipping point for me. Anymore I feel like the Bills are a mostly entertaining tv series that will have a bad ending, leaving the fans disappointed overall. The Bills are my new Game of Thrones.
  24. Thid isn't the 90s Bills that were unstoppable at home. This is the Bills team that squeaked by a 3rd string qb led Miami, got blown out by the Bengals, and almost lost to a garbage jets team, all in Buffalo.
  25. I don't care what another coach says about Allen. It's up to Josh to do something about it.
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