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Buffalo ill

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Everything posted by Buffalo ill

  1. Though it may not be a "text book" hip drop, just the possibility that the refs can and will use it to change the outcome of a game is unacceptable.
  2. Anyone who supports this garbage is likely just trying to help get football replaced with lame ass soccer. You should be ashamed. Leave our beautiful sport alone.
  3. The song is overplayed but all stadium songs are. Jack White seems like the kind of guy who would show up to an event in a Tesla and shame everyone who drove a combustion engine car to the party. They need to support local bands and play Cannibal Corpse and King Buffalo 🤘
  4. Is dvoa related to dvda?
  5. The Chiefs are just better. Unfortunately the Bills stopped being terrible right after KC began it's dynasty.
  6. Nick Wright lives rent free in their heads. Probably the same people who follow celebrity gossip.
  7. I'm almost 45 and doubt I'll see it in my lifetime
  8. Bills opponents make 59 yard kicks in the rain look easy.
  9. Totally!
  10. Lol for sure! The game from the story was the state title game that we lost.
  11. I love that show so much.
  12. Idaho. I live in the panhandle and the game was in the southeastern side of the state.
  13. In the late 90s I managed to give myself a concussion (and likely the other guy too) doing a John Lynch style helmet to helmet hit while blocking for a kickoff return. I couldn't remember my phone number when the trainer asked me. There was no treatment and I got to take the 10 hr bus ride home with the team. Yay for 90s high school football.
  14. At this point I don't care about Buffalo being the sympathetic underachievers or lovable losers. If winning the superbowl makes the Bills a hated team, I'll make that trade all day every day.
  15. Unfortunately a large portion of Bills fans are easy to troll. The just have to click his videos. If only they had the mental strength to ignore him and not create new posts here to give him attention. But they never learn. Moths to the click bait flame.
  16. Or you can just not let idiots live rent free in your head.
  17. Just seeing Gronkowski's ugly cave man head at halftime makes me a little angry
  18. My guess is it won't really matter. Internet Karens like to find thing to complain about
  19. Ah yes. The white collar life.
  20. Government workers, schools, and bankers get it off. Most people don't.
  21. Whenever a Nick Wright article is linked I assume it's the work bots.
  22. You're welcome for the input. May you one day find a way to recapture the magic of watching dvrs of the Kardashians, The View, mainstream media, and whatever "who wants to be a famous musician" show is currently in production. You're welcome for the input. May you one day find a way to recapture the magic of watching dvrs of the Kardashians, The View, mainstream media, and whatever "who wants to be a famous musician" show is currently in production.
  23. Why would anyone want cable/dish/direct tv when they could stream it to their tv and not pay for 36 cspans, hallmark, foreign language channels, etc? Cutting the cable is the best entertainment move I ever made.
  24. I think it's shills for these random "just made up a new football stat" sites, who advertise for said sites by posting links on these forums.
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