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Buffalo ill

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Everything posted by Buffalo ill

  1. Also, dbs could actually kill WRs back in the olden days.
  2. I want the Bills to (hopefully) smash the titans in the playoffs. Time to exercise the music city forward pass demons.
  3. It's almost like every team in the playoffs is at least halfway decent. The horror!
  4. This ought to bring out all the Karens of the Bills Mafia
  5. People get way too fired ip over what some neckbeard from Europe thinks about the Bills
  6. He needs to play the cocaine song just to make all the Karens of America angry.
  7. Please do well, Buffalo. I live in the Northwest and deal with Seahawks fans daily.
  8. I handle it by being humble for a couple reasons. Obnoxious fans are usually bandwagon fans. That and I have nothing to do with the Bills success, so why would I act all cocky?
  9. It was so much more classy when we had to read Marv's lips on the sideline to catch F Bombs.
  10. No, because I am an adult with more important things to worry about.
  11. I'd expect nothing less than a crybaby pitty party.
  12. Ugh, this message board is insufferable. I frequent it on gameday in hopes of finding extra info about plays, because I only get to follow games via box scores. So many emo "the sky is falling" posts.
  13. The superstitious part of me worries that the Bills Facebook page is going to jinx the team. They kept posting about how awesome Josh plays against the fish.
  14. Maybe they didn't want to make pandering posts for the Bills Facebook page.
  15. People who get upset over these lists are also likely to care way too much about dungeons and dragons, I mean fantasy football.
  16. Mudbug... Never heard that term before. I like it.
  17. The Bills were playing arena ball (very well) while the NFC east teams were playing a different game. At least in the superbowl
  18. I thought this was America!
  19. This is the Bills message board. It's full of miserable people who just want to complain.
  20. It reminds me of a logo that would have been on the NES football game that was not Techmo Bowl. Some generic thing game developers made since they didn't have the license to use the real logo.
  21. This would be about as bad as The Who playing halftime. No knock on either band, but both have/had members pass away. When the Bills make the superbowl, the halftime show should have a nice clean cut Buffalo band like Cannibal Corpse.
  22. This is the season I figured we would learn "the truth" about Josh. For now I remain cautiously optimistic
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