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Buffalo ill

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Everything posted by Buffalo ill

  1. Any given Sunday...
  2. Around Halloween fans should dress/make sounds like zombies and shake the airport fence.
  3. This seems ironic. She is drinking Heineken, which smells like weed it's so skunky, in order to pee for a drug test.
  4. I remeber listening to the Mike and Mike show long ago, and Golic made an interesting remark. Basically he said that superstition only matters for people who actually play in the game (if they even have any superstitions), since it could possibly impact their mental aspect of the game. He essentially called superstitious fans silly.
  5. I applaud them for keeping it private. Don't give in to the internet mob.
  6. Let's be sure to virtue signal before we know all the facts.
  7. If he is guilty, cut him. If he is innocent, the Bills still have an 80 yard punter. Either way, who gives a damn what some Karens on twitter (or this forum) have to say? Oh the outrage!!!
  8. I was always cool with Josh, but I also tend to give Bills qbs the benefit of the doubt before they truly earn it.
  9. I need to know the search words to find this gif
  10. He needs some popped collar shirts.
  11. I get the sense that the people most worried about the top 100 are the same folks who get outraged over madden ratings or HoF voting.
  12. I still get annoyed with grown middle aged men with fukboi haircuts.
  13. Ah. That makes sense. The last sports game (still play games, but not sports games) I put hours into was Joe Montana's Sport Talk Football on the Genesis. The play by play announcer was the pinnacle of technology to me in Jr high.
  14. I don't really understand why people would buy more than one madden game per console generation.
  15. Autographs are dumb and people are waaaaaay too obsessed with getting them.
  16. I live in an area with lots of horses. I always feel sorry for the barrel racing horses that have to tote the fat chicks around. Just asking for the poor beast to break down.
  17. I would have thought webmd predicted it was cancer.
  18. Looks like Potato Bill is smoking a pipe
  19. Every time I see football players get into a "fight" it reminds me just how bad they would get beaten by actual trained fighters (for the record, I would too). Just a bunch of shoving and guys pretending to be held back by their teammates.
  20. They are never on the field at the same time.
  21. I am a crypto novice. A few months back a coworker was so passionate about a particular cryptocurrency that I purchased some. Lo and behold it massively went up in value. Too bad coinbase is holding it hostage.
  22. Can we resurrect Greg Giraldo for this?
  23. I don't really think about it anymore. Dredging up and dwelling on stuff like that is something a menopausal woman would do.
  24. Thank you for putting in work here Jerry. Good luck in the future.
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