No you cannot! If it were that easy, every team would be doing it. I get what you're saying, but it's an exaggeration.
Bilal Powell and Isaiah Crowell aren't replicating the impact of Bell. He is special.
Make no mistake, Bell is the most important cog on that team. I understand where he's coming from and appreciate that he wants top RBs true value to be shown in $$$ signs, but no. No team is trying up that much cap in a RB.
LeVeon isn't that much better than Zeke Elliott and I think Todd Gurley is the best in the game right now.
The devaluing of the RB position is ridiculous. Todd Gurley was ROBBED of the MVP simply because he wasn't a QB. He had a phenomenal year - all time level shizz- and the Rams would be a 5 or 6 win team without him.
So let me get this straight, Baker Mayfield fans.
Manziel compariaons are "lazy", yet all of you will be quick to compare him to Russell Wilson or Drew Brees based strictly on his height.
I'm enjoying the backflips you all are performing to excuse his behavioral flaws...and height.
When someone says, "Tyrod has nothing on Lamar Jackson..." and I reply with, "Tyrod has proven he can be successful in the NFL", you've already lost the argument. So you have to resort to these type of responses.
You can't rebut the truth.
The truth is a hard pill to swallow, right Bills fans?
I am no fan of Manziel, but good on him for not being afraid to speak the truth. I may have misjudged him.