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Straight Hucklebuck

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Everything posted by Straight Hucklebuck

  1. Absolutely. Instead of just focusing on what McKenzie can't do in a full-time role, take control of it, and start doing what he does well, and mix in 3 other players. It just should not take an entire offensive shift, or ruin a "game flow" or "balance" to get these guys a few touches. McKenzie has been disappointing this year, but in the past he has shown the NFL level of athleticism to be an effective player on the field. Shakir has shown that he can get open against NFL corners. Cook looks like he belongs now, and Hines has long proven that.
  2. So to summarize my stance on the main question at hand: The Bills need to get a rotation going with 4-players - McKenzie, Shakir, Cook, Hines. It should not be that hard to find way to dump-off, screen, bubble-screen, flare, direct snap to these players. 7-regular season games left...
  3. Maybe, but he was showing this ability early. He was 5.0 yards per carry before Cleveland. And 15 ypc before Cleveland (juiced by that 41-yarder against Green Bay).
  4. I noticed him some in Detroit, but I feel like he was on the outside and definitely was not a primary read.
  5. McKenzie's worst game in terms of mistakes was Kansas City. Not holding on out of the end zone, the botched Allen lateral, and the tripping over himself in the end zone and dropping a TD.
  6. Our coaching staff loves to talk about how smart Hines is, how hard he works on his craft. I looked it up, as a rookie 4th Rounder, first game, 5 carries and caught 7 balls. He's in his 5th year now and with the Bills he has 2 touches in 3 games. Stuff like that doesn't add up with the Bills. We heard how Cook wasn't ready, didn't want to overload him. We give him the ball because the Browns can't stop the run, and poof, magic, he's good. The Bills coaches are too obsessed with game flow and balance and the gravitational pull of the moon. I
  7. We're more like the Green Bay Packers with Rodgers and Adams. We have one WR that dominates targets and receptions. Great in the regular season, but that has fizzled in the Playoffs. The Dolphins are different because they have a consistent run-game now, and two WR aces. So, in some respects, we need to mimic the Chiefs, who get 5 WRs involved behind Kelce. The Bills get to #3 behind Diggs and Davis and can't figure out how to utilize anyone.
  8. I would say the Bills have 4 guys that are similar: Hines, Cook, McKenzie and Shakir (most different of the 4). But I'd start getting a real rotation going, using all 4 in motion and have them slice and dice underneath. Those guys should be in constant presnap motion, lining up all over the formation. You're going to need that against W.Gay and N.Bolton of the Chiefs. The Bills have 7-games left. Get this started now.
  9. This is what I'm saying. You have 4 guys (Cook, Hines, McKenzie, Shakir). Start getting them in there. Of course Diggs #1, then Davis #2, Knox #3. But just that constant eye-candy, that constant movement, backs leaking out, quicker decision making and throws. It's just so static all the time.
  10. Yeah, the Bills coaching staff (McDermott and Dorsey) and local media talk about using Cook and Hines more like its a science experiment, in which you need test tube procedure that is 97-steps long to get him involved. Balance, game flow, script, too much on their plate. And what we've found out is that simply handing the ball off to Cook works. The same should be true of Hines. The guy has caught 236 passes in his career. This shouldn't be an impossible ask to get him the ball 4 times a game. Once a quarter. But with McDermott is always some slow, phased-approach, this step-by-step chemical equation. My fear is Hines has been identified by McDermott as a special teamer, and he's like imprisoned there. He's supposed to be more than T. Jones Part II.
  11. Yes, the toss sweep back in the offense, instead of the molasses slow RPO out of shotgun that gets blown up every time. Maybe Knox becomes more of the moveable chess piece.
  12. We agree, there just isn't much motion in this offense. The most creativity we have is occasionally sticking Hines on the outside now, occasionally a trips-bunch. But most of the time it's a static man on man look. Yeah, and what I heard in Dorsey's press conference, he's talking about not upsetting the balance by "forcing" it to guys. But in my head it's like Ken, there are 7 games left man. How much time left do you have to get Hines some meaningful touches, try and get McKenzie the ball 1-3 times a game, get Shakir 1-2 catches per game.
  13. Well our media rationalized that loss by saying that Pittsburgh had the unique pass rushers that few times had to neutralize the pass game.
  14. Remember in 2014 with Watkins? The Bills would park him on the outside all game, and he'd be a decoy 90% of the game. All the fans would watch the game, see that Watkins has 3 catches for 31 yards and ask themselves why are there no flares, no bubble screens. If you can't figure out how to throw to him, could you hand it off, could you pitch it to him? And the coaches just were always miffed at any question as to why the 4th overall pick was touching the ball 2-3 times per game, and actually were pitching to fans the value of a decoy. I think the same thing now with McKenzie. He's more quick than fast, but still one of the faster players on the team from 0-20 yards, why can't they figure a way to get him in motion pre-snap and use him on drag routes over the middle, or pop a bubble screen? Look at what McDaniel is doing in Miami by simply having Hill and Waddle running across the formation at the snap. When Daboll was here a lot of us were asking why isn't he used more? But Sanders and Beasley added to Diggs and Davis and Knox made that less of a concern. But now? This team is in desperate need of some speed. And the Bills extended McKenzie. So why can't they figure out simple ways to get him the ball.
  15. Yup, in both yards and points the Bills are 2nd overall. You have to believe the 49ers on moving up the charts. Man for man, their skill position players are the best in the league, as good as Miami's duo is.
  16. McDermott can get himself another kick returner and punt returner.
  17. People really need to let Beasley go. He was in decline last year with the Bills, and he didn't last in Tampa. I know the Bills have a history of bringing guys out of retirement, but you're not getting 2019 Cole Beasley again. The Bills don't have the same personnel as they did in 2020 to allow for empty / 4-wide sets that created more space. Dorsey enjoys throwing out of tight formations. Also, the Bills don't get much on quick screen type throws, which goes right back to the slot production. The quick 5-10 yard throw is missing from this offense.
  18. Yeah, I listened to the Dorsey press conference, and there was one media member who was aware, and actually pressed Dorsey on usage of Hines and McKenzie's lack of productivity the entire season. I share the concern among other fans here that we are getting nothing out of the slot right now.
  19. Beane was asked about that after the trade deadline and he said he doesn't have a timeline on that yet.
  20. When do we actually get to see Hines and all that speed that was promised with the ball in his hands? On Sunday we finally started using toss-sweep to get James Cook moving towards the line quickly instead of the ridiculously slow developing RPO stuff we do. But we have injuries to Crowder and Kumerow. The Bills have 7 games left to start working on getting Cook the ball in space, Hines into the offense running routes, Shakir off the dang bench and catching some passes. We develop and utilize these guys at a snail's pace.
  21. Well our media only seems to be asking how it feels to have Josh Allen, or what it means to them to get their driveway shoveled. Instead of something like, Brandon Beane told the media that Nyheim Hines would be used all over the field, in the slot, catching screens, handoffs, motion plays. Why has he only been used as a special teams player and not in the offense? But I guess a better question of your OC or Head Coach is what does it mean to you that Detroit shared their stadium on short notice?
  22. Yeah Maddy - WHEN do we see that? When does Hines actually get on the field and touch the ball on offense? McDermott is still talking about getting acclimated and once McDermott stuck Hines on special teams, is he ever going to let him do anything on offense or is that too much on the plate? When does Cook ever catch a pass again? They have 7-games here to get something going, and if they can't get anything out of the #3 WR position, they're not going to have enough time to develop these players in the Playoffs. Yeah you're right on this, they go 5 deep after Kelce, and the Bills are going to need all hands on deck to beat them again I think. Tre White, Elam, Benford, Jackson, Poyer, Hamlin, etc.
  23. I just think if the Bills can't solve the #3 WR problem with Odell Beckham, then they have 7 games left to start getting Hines some catches, Cook some catches, they haven't developed Shakir on gameday at all. I think those three players need to start getting some touches here, getting worked into the offense. Hines has been here 3 weeks now. McDermott still talking about getting him acclimated. Beane was talking about using him in the slot, on check downs, and we have seen NONE of that. Nothing. McDermott got his hands on him and sent him right to special teams. Really? Wonder why that is.
  24. Beckham would give the WR group a face lift and render all these depth players and gadget guys moot.
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