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Straight Hucklebuck

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Everything posted by Straight Hucklebuck

  1. Can't replace Josh, this team has no speed at WR, and Josh is not patient to take throws underneath.
  2. Yeah, this offense with the lack of speed would work better as a Brady distributor kind of offense. Those slants, dumps, underneaths would protect this line. The run game has virtually disappeared in Q3.
  3. To be fair to Allen, this team still needs another playmaker on offense. There just isn't much speed on the field. The line is hanging in there, but there are tiring here.
  4. Morse getting trucked there didn't help, but that forced Allen into this hero mode.
  5. Jets figured out what the did last year in the 2nd half. Just pound the ball. Bills are too little to stop it.
  6. Umm yes. You tell me Allen throws for 500+ touchdowns, 70,000 yards, 3 MVPs and a Super Bowl. Just one Super Bowl for the city of Buffalo - that's worth it all.
  7. Bills started with shades of 2019 and 2020. 2019, short passing plays starting with a slant to Diggs, flare route to Harty, back to Knox. 2020, a lot of spread offense early, with 3-4 wides. Allen had one of his best throws in awhile, reminiscent of the Gabe Davis dagger against the 49ers, but this was back the other way in between 3 Jets for a 26-yard gain. Mixing in Cook in variety of different looks on the ground. He got 8 carries, best run was a sweep right to the outside for 11. Bernard stinks, gets completely swallowed, is an effective blitzer. Milano's closing speed is noticeable.
  8. Cook is so much better than Singletary. 4.41 verses 4.66. The playmaking is there.
  9. Great throw by Allen on the 26-yarder to Gabe, and throwing Kincaid open up field.
  10. All things considered, Bills offensive line is playing well I think. Bills able to run (and sticking with it) and Spencer Brown outside of one bull rush is holding up. Kudos to the line.
  11. I think it's clear that Bernard is REALLY BAD. You aren't beating the Browns, Bengals, Ravens or anyone else who wants to run with that guy as your MLB. Loved that dive up the middle with Harris in that goal line series. 3 yards, calmed everything down.
  12. Allen is lucky that Mosley tipped that. No way that ball was going to make it.
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