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Straight Hucklebuck

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Everything posted by Straight Hucklebuck

  1. Yeah that’s what we saw, he’s getting smoked
  2. McKenzie and Davis let’s get them out there in 5-wide
  3. Throw throw throw out of shotgun spread and get some movement
  4. We need 5 wide spread them out and get McKenzie on the field
  5. Should be any time now. 1.5 hours before gametime
  6. Yeah I saw that. What a shock. He couldn’t get it done so might as well hop on the bandwagon huh Tony?
  7. Again, I hope he chokes on it tonight as we ram it down the Chiefs throat.
  8. How’s Miami doing Cowherd? Flores amazing coaching didn’t get them there? Weird.
  9. Vick. His “analysis” has been worthless during the Playoffs.
  10. Ram it down their throats until they choke on it.
  11. Please Sean don’t get obsessed with the run game today. The media of course doesn’t like it because they haven’t seen it before so their 57 year old ex-players and Coaches don’t know what to say, but we need to pass to win today, not bank the season on Devin Singletary.
  12. Hurray for Marv Hurray for Marv Hurray for Marv He’s a horses ...
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