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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. Once again - you show you have no knowledge, but way to give a crap analogy. Bravo. 👏
  2. The thing is Denver did not do the right thing - if they had done the right thing only Driscoll would have missed the game. The NFL has given them enhanced rules about no meeting inside, all food prepared must be taken out, masking during practice and workouts, limits on player gatherings, etc. The Broncos broke multiple protocols by the QBs having a meeting inside, eating together, and not wearing masks. The initial review of the contact data showed Driscoll had no close contacts and therefore the other QBs would have been fine. The NFL reviewed film from the facility because coaches and players have removed their devices in past reviews and that caused problems. On film review they found the QB meeting without masks and inside the building, the health and safety officer deemed this meeting to be high risk as it was inside and maskless and more than 20 minutes and therefore put them on COVID. It is not hard - follow the rules they would have been fine - break the rules explain why they should get preferential treatment that no other team gets?
  3. The NFL and NFLPA has already said the league does not have the authority to suspend or fine the players for COVID related breaches. Only the individual teams can fine or suspend. The NFLPA agreed to that because they knew the teams would not want to tick off their own players and therefore fines and suspension will be limited or non-existent. The NFL has the ability to fine (or even suspend) coaches, front office staff, owners, and the team. They also have the ability to take away draft picks. So far they have used both options to punish various teams like the Titans, Denver, NE, and the Raiders. Denver is being investigated for the QB situation and the Ravens will get hammered, but only the team can come down on the players. What I really do not get is people constantly complain about the NFL being inconsistent and the one time they published how they are going to treat these and have been about as consistent as possible and people complain and want them to be inconsistent. They have repeatedly stated they will postpone and move games for medical reasons only (to stop the internal spread of the virus). They will not move games for competitive reasons (ie your QBs all get infected). The individual teams and the NFL protocol is designed to limit these contacts and try to minimize the competitive disadvantage. Teams were recommended to think about things like isolating a QB that has very limited contact, splitting up squads/PS practice time and work out time to eliminate entire groups being quarantined at once. At this point most teams have gone through what Denver went through, Buffalo lost their TEs, they also lost several DBs with Norman, NE lost several defensive players with Gilmore and lost Cam for a game, etc. The difference is Denver’s QBs purposely did not follow protocol by having an unauthorized inside meeting/lunch with no masks. That was 100% on the Denver QBs and against protocol. The NFL deemed them close contacts and wham they are out. I do not blame the NFL - I blame Denver and since the NFL is being consistent I have no issues with what happened. I agree it does suck that teams that have a massive outbreak have the ability to get some players back, but that was part of the agreement with the players Union. Players miss games based upon testing and the protocol - not for breaches.
  4. My scenario- your scenario has occurred twice and both times the teams had significant numbers of players missing - so the delay did not allow everyone back. The big difference with the Titans was that were able to shift a bye week which did allow some players to get back. Bye weeks are gone - these theses are going to be missing a ton of players. The Ravens will be missing 15 players including their QB, top RBs, and a huge group of DBs. You can ask, but my guess is the Ravens would of preferred a Denver situation with just missing your QB as some of these players may miss more than 1 game. But please feel free to believe your thought that a ravaged team is better off because they could delay a game a day or 2.
  5. Or they will force a team to play without 14 starters and top back-ups. Plus the team, coaches and FO will be heavily fined and you will lose draft picks, but ok sounds like a plan. The NFL could not mandate that - need NFLPA approval and that was not given. Same with people complaining about bubbles and additional bye weeks. All were rejected by the NFLPA without compensation.
  6. They are not pushing to the end of the year. My guess is they play Wednesday and then the following Monday and then our game as scheduled. They could also do have a Monday night double header Bills/Steelers & Ravens/Browns and let NBC and then ESPN show the games. My guess is NBC would not be happy, but they will get the games in.
  7. Wait this is “un possible”. I already read on this board that McDermott is not a good coach and can’t compete with the McVay, Tomlin, and Meathead coaches of other teams. I read that McDermott can’t inspire a team to go out and win. Josh Allen makes way to many mistakes and the team lets everyone just hang around so they can’t win playoff games. They have had 4 games come down to the last possession unlike teams like KC that have only had 4 games come down to the last possession. (head smacked here) They don’t blow people out and therefore are not prepared for a close game in the playoffs. They don’t step on the throat of their opponents and the Bills let them come back unlike say KC that once up by 17 early in a game would never allow a team to close it down to 3 points at the end. I am sure there are several others posted by the same 3 people over and over why you can’t be right. *Sarcasm Off
  8. They have to get buy in from the NFLPA and they blocked it earlier in the year. My guess is they would agree for more money, but with the league losing a boatload - I just do not see it.
  9. Not surprising with the NFL postponing their practice today to keep the facility closed. This is going to impact games next week to - sort of what I thought might happen earlier. I could see a Wednesday game with them pushing back both teams games next week to Monday (Ravens already there) and then looking at Bills Steelers and seeing if that needs to go back to Monday with the Ravens/Browns. It would suck, but they have to get these games in.
  10. Is it ok to go from Rex Ryan to Adam Gase if you have Todd Bowles in between? I am asking for all the Jets Fans. I will let all three remaining know the outcome via Instagram later. 😂
  11. Nice Shot, I will not comment on whether he is falling back or not, but that shot is great if you look at his left arm - when he is comfortable that arm is tight and his left hand is up under his chin strap. Whether he is falling back or not able to step up - it looks like his base is off set and he is not getting the torque to make that type of throw. Looking at the route diagram - I think Knox is ok - typically that route would angle deeper with Knox heading out past the forty to give him space between 43 underneath and 23 over the top. The route at the end curls back toward the 45, but Think that was the lack of strength on the throw that caused that. I do not mind the throw - it is not really hero ball - it was diagnosing the play and making the read and then getting just to much pressure to complete the throw. That entire play needed another couple of seconds because if he has less pressure - I think he moves his eyes toward Beasley that is breaking open, but he knows the primary read is Knox and the pressure forces the throw and he is not able to get the follow through to get the throw over the top. Actually - that is a key part of the Chargers defense - they allow those longer routes to develop and try to undercut them with the expectation that their D-Line can rush a throw and get them the Int. It is also why if the D-Line doesn’t get there they have given up a ton of big plays.
  12. I don’t think so - their kicker has struggled and I don’t think they felt comfortable with any of their kicks today.
  13. I don’t necessarily disagree, but the issue is every week a few teams do totally dominate, but it is rarely the same teams. People act like KC just puts their foot on your throat and dominates and the truth is they have been highly lucky to win several games - including a game against this Chargers team that with a smidge better coaching handled KC most of the game. People love to talk about the domination of the Titans, but then miss that they were destroyed a 2 win Bengal team just. Couple of weeks ago. Or they say we can’t beat the Ravens, but suddenly everyone is beating the Ravens. Even KC - which is a great team - goes through low points where they simply can’t move the ball and against TB got lucky that a few close penalties negated multiple Mahomes Ints that could of decided the game. It happens to every team and no maybe we can’t have a quarter where our offense naps, but maybe as our defense gets better - we don’t need to be quite as aggressive and can still stack wins.
  14. Should we dagger them like KC did yesterday against TB. Or how about how the 8-3 Browns daggered the 1 win Jags. Maybe we should re look at our win against the Pats and compare that to how the Cardinals did against that same depleted team? This is the NFL - most games are close and most games end up as a 1 score affair. The Chargers had been involved in 9 straight 1 score games. The Bills 5 straight. The Pats and Cards have also been in 5 straight. It is the way of the NFL. The difference is the Bills win the majority of these close games and the Chargers had lost. Yesterday after the Bills got up - they maintained a 2 score lead most of the rest of the games and won by 10. For the Chargers that was a dagger - it was their worst loss of the season.
  15. You are rarely happy when the Bills win - so get over it - you can go root for your actual team and go to their message board. Give them a pass - I am sure the Bills are grateful that you chose to give them a pass after beating the Chargers by their biggest margin of the season, holding the Chargers to their lowest scoring output since week 3, out coaching and out performing them, and once again winning the game and beating the Vegas odds. Glad you are hear to give them that pass.
  16. Really? Didn’t Houston win a playoff game last year after being totally outplayed for 3 quarters? It happens every year. Teams get outplayed and find a way to win. Sometimes luck - sometimes skill, but the win counts. Hell KC was dominated by Houston for over a quarter and had a 21-0 lead. They came back. Even look at the KC/TB game yesterday. KC had a huge lead and record setting pace and then gets outplayed the rest of the game and let TB get back into. 2 questionable calls took away 2 Ints or TB wins that game. Yet you sit here and expect KC to win in the playoffs.
  17. If he test positive on Sunday - he is pulled out - the league then has to decide on contacts and who to pull. If the team travelled to the stadium (or in the case of NE earlier the positive was on a Saturday). The league will look and potentially move a game back a few days so the team does not get on a plane together or they can identify any additional positives. when that team is home a positive on Saturday or Sunday has meant that player and his contacts go on the Covid list and the game is played as scheduled. The NFL did not screw Denver - they followed the exact same scenario planning and guidance they used every time this situation has come up. The difference is instead of a TE or DB grouping it was QBs. I feel for Denver as it sucked, but they - not the NFL - decided to get together and eat lunch and meet without masks. If they had followed protocols (which is why they are in place) the players would not have been considered close contacts and would have played. Don’t blame the NFL for Denver’s issues. This was on them.
  18. The Ravens game was moved only because on Thursday the still had active infections popping up because of the broken protocols. They moved it to Sunday, but the positive infections had not stopped yet - so they had to move it again. Now that the infections have stopped - the game will be played and the Ravens will be missing 8-15 players from their roster and may not be able to suit up enough guys to fill the entire active day roster. The Broncos (as has been talked about several times) had a single player test positive from an external source. Just like the Bills did with Knox earlier and Norman 2 weeks ago). On initial review of the monitoring data - no one was deemed a close contact and practice continued. The NFL then began a review of facility cameras and discovered that the QBs all got together inside (against protocol) for a meeting and lunch (without masks) that was not recorded on the devices (against protocol again). On reviewing the length of time, the fact that masks were not worn, that they meet inside - the league deemed them close contacts and put them on the Covid list. It is no different than when Knox took out our TE group or Norman took out multiple DBs. The NFL has stated several times - a competitive disadvantage will not cause the game to move - only a medical reason (ie and active infection). My guess is if the Bronco game had been scheduled for Thursday night - with the active infected player caught that day - the game may have been moved to Sunday to ensure there was no other positives. Since the game was already scheduled for Sunday and they had no positives Friday or Saturday- they felt safe playing the game from a medical perspective. The fault lies with the Broncos totally on this and after the review - I expect the Broncos will also be fined and as this is their 2nd broken protocol - would not be surprised to see a mid round pick go bye bye.
  19. Not sure this is correct. My guess is DE will rotate based on QB style. Epenesa has been valuable against athletic QBs as a way to help prevent certain plays. Mullins next week is more of a pocket passer - would not be surprised to see Murphy against SF and probably Pittsburgh. They are matching styles and play on defense with specific players to help out - similar to what the offense is doing with TE and gameplans.
  20. The team got fined over $300,000 - not exactly a slap. Coaches also got fined. The Raiders, the Pats, the Broncos have all also been fined. The Ravens and the Broncos are going to get hit and I expect loss of draft picks also.
  21. I have no issue with any of that. I also have no issue with what the NFL is doing as that is consistent with what they have previously done for this situation. My problem with the Broncos is not being smarter with the QB situation and then whatever happened in the meeting. It seems obvious that if the QBs had worn masks the contract tracing would have excluded them, but the lack of masks (not following protocol for meetings) caused the issue and that was found on film.
  22. The Titans organization was fined over $ 350,000 for their issues. The Raiders were fined big time (coach, GM, and Team) and lost draft picks. NE and the Steelers were both fined large sums. All done after the schedules were set and the NFL investigated the teams. The Ravens punishment will come after the NFL investigates and determines the extent of the issues and the breaches. I am expecting a big fine for both the coach and the team and a loss of draft picks. Just like what has been prescribed. So again I will ask (and I do not expect a valid response) - when do you move the Broncos game to - you seem to refuse to answer that. How does delaying the game help - the QBs will not be available until later in the week next week and you need 5 days to bring in someone else. What is your proposal to get this game in and be fair to all the teams that have already been through this exact situation? That could be - they officially went on the COVID list on Saturday. If they use Saturday - the earliest back would be next Thursday. If they base it on the exposure date - you are correct they could be ready on Monday and then a Tuesday game would allow them to play. The issue with that is then they screwed every other team that has had to play short-handed due to COVID and makes a new precedent that other teams will complain about.
  23. So no real answer - exactly what I would expect. As to punishment- teams have been punished - the Ravens punishment will come, but that is outside of the discussion. You complained the NFL was unfair - I provided evidence they were being consistent - where is your plan - just stating over and over that it is unfair does not make it so - show us - explain your side. We are all waiting for your next avoidance.
  24. So smart guy - what should the NFL of done? You are snarky about it being unfair - rather than just complain and call us Kool-Aid drinkers actually present some ideas. I want to understand how you think the NFL should handle this and still be consistent with what they have been doing? Good Luck!
  25. Few words to show you truly don’t understand - your loss. I will try to let other explain.
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