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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. it is in the around the league thread.
  2. They were only snapping the ball if a guy jumped. There was no play call and no one went out on patterns and no one blocked. He retreated and threw the ball away because that was the only option. The problem was the Refs not calling the Offside as they should have. Other than that they were letting the play clock expire and punting.
  3. What is insane to me is all you see are Bills fans in the stadium. It is 1 hour to kickoff - the stadium is 3/4 empty and the 1/4 you can see are all Bills fans. Awesome.
  4. This has no logic. Yes we could use a better RB, but where was Henry drafted? The top RBs have been drafted 2nd round and later. The best 1st round rb - Ingram was traded at the trade deadline as they had other guys that could do just as well. If you go through positions RB is one of the positions you find talent spread across the draft. There is only 1 Tom Brady - most elite QBs are drafted early - not most early QBs are elite. You can say positions like Guard and Center are also positions that you should rarely draft in the first - many elite players develop from lower draft rounds. For the most part based upon future salary and the 5th year option - you really want to focus on QB, WR, DE, OLB (rush), EDGE, CB, and OT. Then I look to LB, DT, TE, DBs, and inside OL. The very last thing to draft is RB because their salary is low making the 5th year option a hindrance and very few RBs deserve a large 2nd contract. They are draft and replace.
  5. Great he is doing things that UDFA running backs are doing on a veteran team. Woo hoo. He was a waste of a pick as pretty much all 1st round running backs are. He would have value by the third round, but where he was drafted - it does little to nothing for Pittsburgh now or going forward.
  6. Maybe if available in the 3rd or 4th round. As a 1st round pick his 3.7 yards per carry is terrible. It was a waste - he is on par with a 4th round pick like Chuba Hubbard and Michael Carter.
  7. It is an RPO with the guard pulling as a lead. #91 is Allen’s guy based upon Allen’s read - he knows #91 is unblocked. Allen has a choice to hand it off going away from the free rusher or get the ball out quick. The run action and the defensive call pull everyone tight up on the line and with the DBs playing off coverage - there was a huge clear zone right to Diggs. They ran similar plays with a pulling guard/center several times to attack the edge where the Dolphins are weaker rather than attack the DTs of the defense. The tackle covered his guy and the center and LG combo blocked with Morse sliding off picking up the safety. If the defense had been less aggressive - it would have been a run right at Dawkins, but with the crowd and the blitz - Allen read it and made the pass. The design is to get that ball out before an unblocked man could get home.
  8. No - I think the agent said Trade or cut him - benching him was the Browns choice when they couldn’t trade him. Listening to Mayfield - I think they know who released the tweets using Odell’s Dads account. It sounds like Mayfield and Beckham have not really been talking and Mayfield stated he has not talked to Odell since “his” tweet. We will see, but he was excused again today - so it was not an isolated instance.
  9. The team took the step because the OBJ camp - including his father - has basically thrown the Browns and Mayfield under the bus. They have attacked Mayfield and the Browns are choosing to have Mayfields back - which is a better long term view. It sounds like in discussion- OBJ basically is done with the Browns - the Browns tried to trade him - most notably to NO, but when that fell through- OBJs camp went the more toxic route of vocally attacking the QB and current face of the Browns. My guess since we know the GM and Beckham’s agent have been in contact since before the trade deadline- is that the agent has made it clear that Odell is not playing with Mayfield any longer - make a trade or cut my guy free. The Browns still have Beckham under contract and have paid the majority of the guaranteed money - so they may feel they can get compensation- maybe a trade with NO for disgruntled WRs or something of value, but to do that they now have to wait until the next off season. The Browns are also in the terrible position of having playoff expectations, but being in competition against several teams that might want WR help. If they just cut him - once Odell clears waivers or if teams may claim him - you have a chance that KC, Pittsburgh, Indy, NE, Cincinnati, Baltimore, or any other AFC team competing for the last spots could get him and push you out - a terrible look. The best thing would be to wait and continue as you did before the deadline, but if Beckham is refusing to play with Mayfield - you have limited choices - you can waive/cut him and risk it. You can suspend him for four games and have to deal with that drama - see TO in the driveway doing sit-ups complaining about the Eagles. If you suspend him - you have to re-visit the choices again in 4 weeks and you will most likely have a grievance situation in the off season. The other option is to leave him on your active roster, but keep him away. You are paying him and at a disadvantage, but it limits exposure. It all comes down to any agreements the GM and agent come up with - if they can and I think it starts with them wanting him away from the team until a solution is forthcoming.
  10. I don’t believe so - I believe that the tweet you posted was speculation on how the Browns can hold on to him for about 4 weeks to allow the money owed to him to become less. At this point - all I have heard is the Coach and GM both basically say he is not with the team - they have excused him from practice. The coach did make it sound like he will not play with the Browns again. Everything else is people speculating that he will be cut (I doubt it at this point), that he will be suspended and then cut to reduce what another team has to pay to make it more likely he gets claimed, or that the Browns will just keep him inactive on the roster (my guess) and then try to trade him after the season and get compensation.
  11. I know it goes back to TO and being suspended by the team for conduct. They could only suspend for 4 games and then I believe the team had to pay him not to play the last couple of weeks. I think this is similar- they potentially could suspend 4 games - I think there is a grievance process, but it occurs after the season and would just have him get paid by the team - and then they can leave him on the roster with pay, but staying away - similar to Watson. I could see Beckham out in the driveway doing bench press just like TO. Make a spectacle to highlight the dysfunctional nature. Quick review - I believe it was the Eagles in 2005 (ironically- most likely Andy Reid).
  12. Agreed. And if they had not posted the letters on Social Media would we have known? We have no idea what was said about this afterwards and we do not know if Bease and Rodgers have been fined for their actions up to this point. We do know that when things like this happen and become visible - the NFL reacts and more things happen - so this is going to have repercussions for other players.
  13. Perhaps, but college football with significantly younger officials is even worse. I doubt it is their age as they seem to get to positions and run with these guys. I think things happen so quickly and players react so quickly that it is easy to miss or call something slight on one occasion, but the next time let it go.
  14. Go When? At present he is still a Cleveland Brown and I doubt they cut him. They are going to let him sit - a’la Watson - and try to trade him in the off season. Watch for a team like NO to offer Thomas for Odell - one head case for another. I think for now he just is going to be sat until they can get something again. If they need the position - that might change, but the call up rules and the weekly inactives - gives the Browns a chance to keep him on their terms.
  15. if you consider the Rams in contention every year having missed the playoffs 1 of the last 2 years - then the Bills have also been in contention every year - so why are you complaining. The Bills have a better 2 year record and more playoff wins than the Rams the last 2 years - so why is what they did right and the Bills wrong. So no it was not correct. They did not improve each year and were not in contention every year. Additionally - you want to know what would have made the Rams significantly better and probably would have won them a SuperBowl - instead of letting Brady sign in TB - the Rams - without mortgaging the future - could of signed him as a FA. They needed to improve on Goff and Brady wanted to go to the West Coast (SF in particular, but LA would of worked). They could of signed Brady and used Goff to get picks or a player and taken a shot, but instead they went with Goff and watched TB win it all. I don’t think that this is their year either - Arizona, GB, and TB are all just as good and have futures to get better.
  16. How many times have they made the playoffs under McVay - compare that to our regime. They both have made the playoffs 3 out of 4 years. McVay is 3 and 3 and McDermott is 2 and 3 in the playoffs. The Rams have a better record, but also did not play in the SuperBowls winner division like the Bills did. Overall - I would say the 2 teams are very similar and they have a different approach. Neither has won a SuperBowl - so right now we will see which approach works best short term and long term.
  17. This is not even remotely correct. It depends upon when you define their “Mortgaging the future”, but I believe it started in 2016 with the huge trade up for Goff. They reached their peak in 2018 where they were 1st in their division and lost in the SuperBowl. 2019 - the lack of depth cost them badly and they finished 3rd in the division and missed the playoffs. Last year they finished second and won 1 playoff game. This year they are still not leading their division as they lost to Arizona head to head. They are a contender this year for the first time since the SuperBowl year in 2018 and that was due to the QB trade - which they needed to do because of how much they paid and traded to get Goff. We will see if the Miller trade does anything other than cost them long term because in Denver he was no longer even a fraction of the player he was several years ago.
  18. Your absolutely correct 🤦‍♂️ - I mean the Bills haven’t been flogged for trading a draft pick like Wyatt Teller - they just hold on to these guys. They didn’t recognize and improve on a draft pick like Ray Ray McCloud by getting a guy like McKenzie and cutting their draft pick. They didn’t recognize issues with FAs like Benjamin, Spain, and a ton of others and move on. Nope they are the only team that values consistency, allowing their draft picks time to grow, having veteran leadership at positions, and trying to balance team and financial goals to have long term success. Yep - if they don’t win the SB this year - the clock is going on this regime- I mean the coach would be practically dead man walking despite his newly signed contract. I mean let’s ignore what they have done and fire them because they didn’t win it all because they didn’t make some stupid hypothetical trade for a non-existent Guard at the trade deadline. Bottom line is a window is only open so long - I mean NE didn’t just go on a 20 year run and GB hasn’t been in a window for nearly that long, Pittsburgh and Baltimore haven’t been yearly playoff teams for most of the 2000s, NO with Drew Brees wasn’t a nearly annual lock for wins, Seattle before that, etc. Most of these teams with long, long windows seem to have one thing in common - they do not make stupid deadline deals that hurt the team and remove future talent. Basically you would have preferred the KC approach to go out and overspend on an OLine that then is no better than their OLine that failed last year, but has hurt them more financially. NewsFlash - every team except one falls short every year. Sometimes the best team wins - sometimes the underdog wins. Sometimes trades help and make a difference and many times they don’t. It is just plain stupid to think that a team with the 2 year success the Bills have had and the way the team plays together and for each other and the fact that they are a top offensive and defensive team and you think they should blow it up because Beane worked to keep a 13-3 team together and added talent - all while re-signing many players, but the fact that he didn’t make a hypothetical trade means we should give up. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  19. This is how most if not all Police Agencies across the country work. The hospital laboratories are not set up to run chain of custody testing for court cases and therefore the results are usually non admissible as anything other than support of the forensic findings. The hospitals will draw drug and alcohol samples for treatment - those results can become part of the big picture, but they are usually not used for more than support of the final chain of custody results sent to a forensic lab. The hospital results will be available on site usually with 15 - 30 minutes and the forensic samples can take a few weeks to months because you are screening and then confirming the results along with quantifying the levels. That data is then provided to usually a pathologist/medical director to review and sign off on and put together a legal packet showing everyone that touched the sample from collection, storage of the sample, and all of the testing performed on the sample.
  20. I am not sure he is even the 3rd best QB in that division.
  21. That Front Office and Coaching Staff in Miami has to be fired at the end of the season - right? I mean basically they have been infighting about who drafted Tua versus who wanted Herbert. Then the entire Watson fiasco. I know the owner is mostly to blame, but you are not firing him - so is it reboot time?
  22. Only assuming he is not getting his massages in prison. I am sure (and hopeful) that some very large friends return the favor for what he has allegedly done. 👍. Have a seat Desean. If the criminal cases succeed- then not trading him this last summer or earlier this year is a loss.
  23. Totally disagree. I think by far football is the most complicated and fastest moving - with the most moving parts and the officials are significantly better than any of the other sports. Baseball to me is terrible and it should be by far the easiest. Hockey is the most inconsistent and suffers from the most “make-up” calls of any major sports. Guys get tripped, punched, hooked, grabbed - all game long and then suddenly - a whistle goes for something off to the side - it is just stupid. Hockey is also a fast, crazy mess - so I get missing a few things here or there, but they ignore obvious things and love to “put the whistle away” late in games when the egregious penalties become more apparent. NBA is all about the stars - if you are a star player - you get calls all game long - they don’t call travels, lane violations, double dribbles, and when a guy breathes on you - wham whistle. It is also typically slower and easier to control - it like baseball should be easy to have consistent calls across multiple games and multiple seasons and yet it doesn’t. It suffers from the same issue that people complain about football - some Refs want the FaceTime more than others. Football to me is still the best officiated sport and they do a great job with tons of things, but at the same time they have inconsistencies just like everyone else. They cut down on holds - especially on passing plays, but when you see a guy break contain - even a small tug gets called. That impacts teams like Buffalo more than a team like TB because the QB style of play. The roughing the passer and taunting calls are bad, but those are points of emphasis and therefore will be bad for a few years and then fade as the players adjust. I think in general officiating everywhere is 1000x more difficult as there are more cameras and better high def cameras and TVs that allow fans to see things that were harder to see. For the most part - I do not want things like a sky cam looking at every play and then deciding afterwards was there holding or hands to the face or any of a million other ticky-tacky fouls that occur on every play. I would like it to look at things like egregious PI calls or fumbles and the such, but for the most part - I would let it go.
  24. I am not going to speculate on cause or injury, but the TMZ update did say that Ruggs was expected to be ok. Not sure who the fatality is or what all happened, but I am not going to go so far as some to believe Ruggs was the fatality- I think that would have broken already.
  25. That seems like a pattern in randomness - might be a jinx. How many times have the Bills lost when they have more points at the end of the game? Reading this board sometimes - I think it is frequent. 😂
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